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 基于移动互联网的 QoE 建模 5 10 摘要:移动互联网的兴起为移动运营商和互联网公司等带来了更多机会与挑战,而如何能在 移动互联网市场占据稳定地位并实现盈利增长,已经成为各方关注的热点。为了达到提升单 个用户满意度的效果,我们需要引进以用户为中心的 QoE 评测与优化手段,对面向端到端 的服务进行基于不同业务的 QoE 建模,从而最有效地对网络资源进行调度,使 QoE 得到提 升。本文在研究分析了目前对 QoE 研究成果的基础上,分析与建立了基于移动互联网的生 态系统模型,并基于此模型与用户体验质量层次模型建立了端到端的 QoE 评估指标体系。 之后基于 QFD 与 HOQ 等数学工具对 QoE 的评测算法数学模型进行了研究与设计。 关键词:QoE;移动互联网;QoS;QFD; HOQ 中图分类号:TN929.5 15 QoE Modelling for Mobile Network HONG Ye, GUO Zhigang (Information and Communication Engineering School, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876) 20 25 30 35 40 Abstract: Along with the blossom of mobile internet, there have been more opportunities and challenges to all the stakeholders in this field. Therefore, nowadays the focus is on how to gain a stable market share and realize the growth in revenue.As a customer-centric method, the modeling and the optimization of QoE are not only based on the controlling over network resource, but also the different link in the whole ecology of mobile internet, such as the application developed by the internet industry, the performance of the terminal device, the marketing of the service, even the behavior and the attributes of terminal users. Therefore, the comprehensiveness and the customer-centric nature can improve the personal QoE in a more scientific way. However, because of the diversity of the stakeholders in the ecology, there has not been a way to unify the calculation method and a mature methodology to apply. Given this background, based on the existing research about QoE, we analyzed the mobile internet industry and built up a QoE oriented mobile internet ecology. Furthermore, we investigated and proposed the mathematic modeling of QoE as the key point of the QoE management system. Key words: QoE; Mobile Internet; QoS; QFD; HOQ 0 引言 随着 3G 网络的不断优化和 4G 网络的试点建设,电信服务进入了全新的发展时期。一 方面,运营商的数字业务资费不断下调,另一方面,用户在享受到更快、更廉价的移动互联 网服务的同时,更加愿意尝试参与性强、互动性好的新业务和新应用,而这些新型业务的共 同点就是对体验效果的重视。从某种程度上说,电信服务的 3G 和 4G 时代进入了体验经济 时代。 而愉悦的用户体验成为体验经济时代决定竞争


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