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PAGE PAGE 7 目 录 一、《托妮·莫里森宠儿中女性形象研究》………………………………….1-16 二、《海明威的死亡哲学》………………………………………………….…….17-29 三、《哈莱姆文艺复兴时期兰斯顿·休斯诗歌的种族意识研究》…….……..30-52 《托妮·莫里森宠儿中女性形象研究》 摘要:《宠儿》是美国黑人女作家托妮·莫里森的代表作,是在蓄奴制特定的社会历史背景,种族歧视和性别压迫双重夹缝中的产物。不仅着重揭示了蓄奴制对美国黑奴尤其是女黑奴所造成的肉体上、精神上和感情上的劫掠,还大量体现出了女性与自然,个人与社区的紧密联系和相互间的依存关系。本文从女性主义和种族的角度出发,通过对《宠儿》中的四个女主人公:赛丝、贝比·萨格斯、宠儿和丹芙的形象分析,来揭示《宠儿》中黑人女性对身份的寻求及莫里森对黑人女性和黑人文化出路问题的探索。第一部分为莫里森文学生涯介绍和《宠儿》的创作背景分析;第二部分着重介绍了美国女性黑人在南北战争后的生存环境,并联系文本分析小说中主人公的生存环境及环境对小说人物性格命运的影响;第三部分为本文的中心—《宠儿》中四个主要女性人物的形象分析,并通过当时文化背景等方面阐释创作四个女性人物形象的原因;第四部分为总结,得出托妮·莫里森的创作理念和对黑人女性发展、黑人文化出路的答案。 关键词:《宠儿》,黑人女性身份,种族 Analysis on female characters in Beloved of Toni Morrison Abstract: Beloved is one of the famous novels of American black female writer Toni Morrison. The story is based on special period of Slavery in American history, and it’s the product of both racial discrimination and gender oppression. This novel not only reveals the cruel plunder the Slavery pressed on American black people, especially black women, but also reflects close relationship and mutual dependence between female and nature, individual and community. This article analyses four main female characters: Sethe, Baby Suggs, Beloved and Denver in the novel Beloved from perspectives of feminism and racism. Toni Morrison searched answers to what is black female’s identity and how to preserve African-American culture. The first part is a brief introduction about Toni Morrison’s writing career and the writing background of Beloved. The second part I will introduce the social environment American black women lived in after the Civil War. From analyzing the living condition of American black women, we can get some inspiration on the personality and destiny of the four main female characters. The third part is the main part of this article, which analyses the four main female characters along with cultural backgrounds at that time. The last part we can come to a conclusion of Toni Morrison’s answer to those questions. Key words:Belov


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