亿万富豪看什么杂志?亿万富豪阅读的杂志--《闪耀SHINE LUXURIES》2013.ppt

亿万富豪看什么杂志?亿万富豪阅读的杂志--《闪耀SHINE LUXURIES》2013.ppt

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* 《闪耀》定位 《闪耀》杂志是一本引导中国最高端财富人群生活方式的月刊,全面满足中国新兴财富阶层和上流人士的生活、社交所需,是奢侈品实现对位营销的最佳媒体。 《闪耀》内容 全面报道财富人物、社会名流、豪宅、名车、高尔夫、游艇、奢华旅游、星级酒店、尖端时尚、名贵服饰、珠宝精品、艺术藏品、生活方式、社交、家居、金融理财、尚流消费场所、新技术等。 Shine Luxuries-Focus Shine Luxuries, a monthly magazine that guide the lifestyle of wealthiest people in China, fully meets the life and social requirement for China’s emerging wealthy class and upper class, and it is the best media to achieve precision marketing for luxury. Shine Luxuries-Content It gives full coverage of wealthy people, celebrities, mansions, luxury cars, golf club, yacht club, travel, star hotels and resorts, high-end fashion, expensive clothing, jewelry boutique, works of art, lifestyle, social life, collectibles, home, financial planning, high-end consumer sites, new technology, etc. 杂志简介 INTRODUCTION 《闪耀》读者 读者为高收入、高品位人士:企业家、集团高管、政府领导、社会名媛、演艺明星、专业技术人员。 《闪耀》俱乐部认证会员 由企业家、精英二代、明星、私人会员四类认证会员构成 《闪耀》发行 每月5日发行,发行量18万册。 Shine Luxuries-Readership The target audience are people with high income and high quality: entrepreneurs, private business owners, senior managers, golden collar, government organizations, technical professionals, expatriates and social celebrities. Shine Luxuries-Club It consists four types of member: entrepreneurs, elite second generation, the star, and private members. Shine Luxuries-Distribution Monthly issuance with circulation of 180,000 杂志简介 INTRODUCTION 杂志内容 CONTENTS -极致 开篇栏目,每一期推出一项专题,涵盖不同领域:豪华游艇、私人飞机、敞篷跑车等。 -元素 策划一个当月专题,紧跟当月潮流与动态:国际奢侈品牌之新闻动态、新品发布、产业观察等专题。 -Perfection The first column,each issue have a new topic, it including many different sorts of field, such as yacht, personal aircraft, convertible sports car and so on. -Elements A monthly column which contains the news, products and industry of international brand. -明星 专访国内外当红明星,探讨事业生涯、社交场所、生活方式、消费习惯。 -猎奇 厌倦了平庸生活,搭载一条通向世界各地,或壮丽、或惊险、或新奇的旅途…我们玩的是大多数人还没有玩过的东西。 -Stars Interview with the popular stars of their career, social, life style and spending habits. -Curiosity Tired of the m


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