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 无线网络中视频点播业务的 QoE 评价机制 及分析 曾怀东,邱雪松** 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (北京邮电大学网络技术研究院,北京 100876) 摘要:Quality of Experience(QoE)是从用户角度出发,应用或者服务的总体可接受度。由 于以 QoS 参数为基础的服务质量评价体系以技术为中心,具有忽略用户真实需求的局限性, 该体系以及基于该体系的优化机制无法满足当前用户的需求。我们需要建立以用户为中心的 服务质量评价和优化体系,即 QoE 评价和优化体系。伴随着终端迅猛的发展,终端上集中了 大量表征用户偏好的第一手数据,而对此类终端信息的利用还不够充分。本文针对无线网络 的多媒体业务提出了涵盖终端影响因素,网络因素以及原始服务质量因素的综合 QoE 指标集 合,基于该集合的 QoE 评价机制以及相应的 QoE 优化分析。QoE 的优化机制主要涉及在终端 能力限制条件下对原始服务质量调整以及对网络资源的充分使用。本文同时给出了在 NS2 仿真环境下对视频点播业务 QoE 的评价机制和优化效果的验证。 关键词:QoE;视频点播业务;QoE 评价 中图分类号:TP319 A Novel QoE Assessment Scheme and Analysis for Video on Demand Application in Wireless Network ZENG Huaidong, QIU Xuesong (State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology , Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunicaiton, Beijing 100876) Abstract: With the rapidly development of terminals, multimedia services for mobile device such as Video on Demand (VOD) have become a focus. The management of VOD quality is one of the key problems. As the QoS-based service quality assessment is technique-centered, it has difficulties in satisfying the customers’ real needs. Therefore, a novel user-centered scheme is needed. Quality of Experience (QoE) which is the overall acceptance of the applications from the users’ perspective can meet users’ requirements. Problems in QoE assessment are the lack of considering of the terminal’s impact as well as a large quantity of information which represents the user’s preference concentrated on the terminal has not been fully utilized. In this paper, we proposed a comprehensive metrics set including the original service quality factor, the network factor and the terminal factor, as well as a novel QoE assessment scheme based on the metric set we build. This scheme includes function describing the relationship between QoE and the influence factors. The validation of the QoE assessment scheme is carried out through a questionnaire survey and ns2 simulation. We utilize this function to assess the QoE of VOD. The simulation result


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