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PAGE 学 士 学 位 论 文 同学录网站的设计与实现 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 院系(部所): 专 业: 完成日期: 摘 要 当同学们离开校园,走上各自的人生历程,同学间的友谊将成为人生中宝贵的精神财富。但随着时间的流逝,工作的变迁,生活环境的转变,手中的通讯薄已时过境迁,使得老友难聚,友情难叙。网上同学录作为一种方便校友之间联系的实用系统应运而来,适应了现代人们高度强烈的时间观念,为人们带来了极大的方便。此系统主要提供了用户注册与登录,资料修改,有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站好友,图片上传及相册管理,班级论坛等功能,这些功能可以帮助人们快速找到昔日好友,方便同学间的联系,增强彼此间的感情。本系统采用数据库与ASP编程结合的技术,通过提供完善的同学录服务和规范的同学录管理,实现了以上的几项目标。 系统界面友好、使用方便,为同学间的信息交流和知识的传播提供了很大的方便。文中主要描述了同学录系统的设计方法和实现过程,阐述了系统的需求分析、可行性分析、数据库设计以及实现步骤,重点论述了系统的详细设计和实现过程。 【关键词】同学录;ASP技术;数据库;计算机网络 Abstract When students leave the campus, on their journey, the friendship between the classmate will become the precious spiritual wealth of life. But with the passage of time, work change, life and the environment changes,in hands communication thin circumstances changed with the time, causes the old friend difficultly to gather, the friendship difficult to narrate. As a kind of convenient online alumni alumni connections between times, and practical system adapted to modern people highly intense time concept, for people brought great convenience. This system mainly provides user registration and login, password and material modification, search buddy, picture uploading and photo albums management, public message board of other function, these functions can help people to quickly find old friend, convenient classmates and the relationship between teachers and students, enhance each others feelings. The system uses the combined with ASP programming database technology, by providing perfect service and specification of alumni, realizing the alumni management several goals. The system contact surface is friendly, easy to operate has provided very big convenient communication and the knowledge for schoolmates between dissemination.In the article mainly described the alumnus to record the system the design method and the realization process, elaborated the system demand analysis, the outline design, the database design as well as th


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