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摘 要 随着工业自动化的普及和发展,控制器的需求量逐年增大,搬运机械手的应用也逐渐普及,主要在汽车,电子,机械加工、食品、医药等领域的生产流水线或货物装卸调运, 可以更好地节约能源和提高运输设备或产品的效率,以降低其他搬运方式的限制和不足,满足现代经济发展的要求。通过对机械设计制造及其自动化专业大学本科四年的所学知识进行整合,对工业机械手各部分机械结构和功能的论述和分析,设计了一种PLC控制的圆柱坐标形式数控机床上下料机械手。重点针对机械手的腰座、手臂、手爪等各部分机械结构以及机械手控制系统进行了详细的设计。具体进行了机械手的总体设计,腰座结构的设计,机械手手臂结构的设计,机械手腕部的结构设计,末端执行器(手爪)的结构设计,机械手的机械传动机构的设计,机械手驱动系统的设计。同时对液压系统进行了理论分析和计算。 关键词: 机械手; PLC; 液压伺服定位; 电液系统; 数控机床 ABSTRACT With the popularization and development of industrial automation, control demand increased year by year, carrying manipulator application also gradually popular, mainly in the automotive, electronics, machinery, food, medicine and other fields of production lines or cargo transport, can be better to save energy and improve the efficiency of transport equipment or products, in order to reduce other handling the limitation and inadequacy, meet the needs of modern economic developmentIntegrate the knowledge of the past four years’ of undergraduate course of Machine, discuss and analysis the each part and function of manipulator; design a kind of the PLC control cylinderical coordinate manipulator used to pack and unload work piece for CNC machine tools. In particular, made the detailed design about base, arm, and end effector and the control system etc. including Total design, waist’s construction design, the arm’s construction design, the wrist’s construction design, the end effector’s construction design, and the drive system of manipulator. At the same time, analysis and compute the hydraulic pressure system. Keyways: Manipulator; PLC; Hydraulic servo control; Electrohydraulic system;Numerical control machine tools 目 录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc356949215 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc356949215 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356949216 1.1 选题背景 PAGEREF _Toc356949216 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356949217 1.2 设计目的 PAGEREF _Toc356949217 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356949218 1.3 国内外研究现状和趋势 PAGEREF _Toc356949218 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356949219 1.4 设计原则 PAGEREF _Toc356949219 \h 3 HY


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