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PAGE PAGE III 物流企业盈利模式研究 摘 要 近年来我国物流行业发展非常快速,国内中小物流企业、跨国物流企业纷纷建立起来。虽然只是个90年代开始的刚刚起步的新兴行业,然而它的发展速度却不容小觑,短短十余年便在我国占有了一定的地位,最近几年更是成为尖端行业,物流行业的盈利占我国GDP的比例越来越大,甚至有年份达到30%之多。当然任何事物都具有两面性,物流业现在处于停滞不前甚至走下坡路的状态,物流作为第三利润源还有很多可以挖掘的地方,然而因为物流又是黑大陆很难在既得利益上继续上升。所以我们需要选择合适的物流企业盈利模式,做出正确的决策,以挖掘物流利润冰山,获得更多的利润,使我国物流企业持续健康的发展。 本文分析了物流企业盈利模式的基本构成要素、内容;然后,对各种盈利模式进行解析,详细论述了各种盈利模式的特点;最后分析了该如何根据各企业的自身情况分别选择正确的盈利模式。 关键词: 物流企业; 盈利模式; 利弊; 决策 Research On The Profit Modes Of The Logistics Corporations Abstract In latest years the logistics in our country is in speediness development, many middling and minitype companies and even international corporations are one after another growing .Logistics is although a new trade in 20c90s,but its development speed is very quick, it is now in the top of our country in just less than 20 years. The profit of Logistics trade is now account for more and more in our country’s GDP, even some years the data is larger than 30%。 But every coin has two sides. Now the Logistics in China is not only stagnant but reverse. As “the third fountain of profit” Logistics still can be much to seek, but the Logistics is also called “black land”, we has many difficulties in increasing the profit of logistics. So we should make right decision, choose the best profit modes of logistics corporations, and gain more and more profit, and help the Logistics of our country develop faster and faster, healthier and healthier. Key words: Logistics corporations; Profit modes; Advantages disadvantages;Decision-making.   目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689980 1  物流企业盈利模式概述 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689981 1.1 什么是物流企业盈利模式 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689982 1.2 物流企业盈利模式的意义 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689983 1.3 物流企业盈利模式的类型 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689984 2 物流企业盈利模式的比较 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689985 2.1 物流企业盈利模式的特点 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689986 2.2 物流企业盈利模式的优点 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689987 2.3 物流企业盈利模式的缺点 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296689988 3 关



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