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Famous beautiful sceneries in the UK and the US ----Traveling in Great Britain 许雅雯 100205207 Westminster Abbey is a well-known Protestant church in Britain with a history that could claim to be an epitome of the history of London, or even the Great Britain. It is also a superb and marvelous非凡的 church, a wonderful example of the Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑 and a collection of British historic spots. The original meaning of Westminster is a minster in the west since it is located in the west of the city of London. * * * * Houses of Parliament 国会大厦 Officially known as the New Palace of Westminster. This forest of towers and chambers议事厅 stands on the site of a palace,which was a royal residence from the time of Edward the Confessor until the region of Herry Ⅷ. There is the magnificent gilded镀金的 Clock Tower at the northern end of the Houses of Parliament,which is universally known as Big Ben.This 316 feet clock-tower was completed between 1858-1859. The light above the clock is lit while the Commons国会下院 is sitting. Originally built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham,This most famous of royal homes was purchased by George Ⅲ in 1762.When she came to the throne王位 in 1837,Queen Victoria moved the Court here from the Palace of St James,and it has been the London home of the reigning本界的 monarch君主 ever since. The Tower of London 伦敦塔 William the Conqueror built the Tower of London as a reminder to the citizens of the Citizens of the City of his unassailable power. At the heart of the complex is the White Tower,looking much as it has done for the last 900 odd years. Westminster Abbey [?bi] 西敏寺 Hyde Park 海德公园 One of London‘s finest historic landscapes covering 142 hectares公顿. There is something for everyone in Hyde Park. With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow牧场, horse rides and more it is easy to forge



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