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学生毕业论文 论文题目:浅谈人民币汇率波动对中国中小企业的影响 作者姓名: 班级学号: 专业届别: 导师姓名: 导师职称: 二〇一〇 摘要 摘要 众所周知,自二十世纪九十年代以来,人民币汇率逐渐成为国内外关注的焦点,人民币汇率的波动对我国进出口贸易、投资等很多经济变量都有很深远的影响,而汇率是我国从事国际经济活动时最主要的价格指标,并且也从该角度反映了本国的相对国际竞争力水平,同时对国内宏观经济活动产生重要影响。(汇率的变动与哪些因素有关,中小企业怎样应对汇率的变动)但在实务操作中买卖双方无论以何种方式结算都与汇率有关,而方交易风险也在于此。本文从汇率的相关理论知识和中小企业交易的风险特点出发.针对产生的具体风险的原因进行分析.提出了我国中小企业在国际贸易中汇率风险的防范措施. 关键词:汇率;中小企业;贸易;风险;措施 . Abstract As we all know, since the nineties of twentieth century, the RMB exchange rate gradually become the focus of attention at home and abroad, the RMB exchange rate volatility on China import and export trade, investment, and many other economic variables have a profound impact, and is engaged in international economic and exchange rate activities, the main price indicators, and also from the point of view reflects its relative level of international competitiveness, while an important impact on the domestic macro-economic activities. (Exchange rate changes and what factors, SMEs how to deal with exchange rate changes), but in the practical operation of the parties regardless of the manner in which the exchange rate balance sheet with related party transactions and the risk from this. In this paper, the theory of knowledge and exchange rate risk characteristics of SME transactions. For the specific risks arising from analysis of the causes. Made of SMEs in international trade and exchange rate risks in preventive measures. Keywords:Exchange rate; Small and medium-sized enterprises; Trade; Risk; measures 目录 目录 一、人民币汇率波动的概述 (一)人民币汇率波动的原因………………………………………………………1 (二)人民币汇率波动的特点………………………………………………………1 (三)人民币汇率波动的趋势………………………………………………………3 二、人民币汇率的波动对我国中小企业的影响 (一)人民币汇率波动对中小企业的正面影响……………………………………3 (二)人民币汇率波动对中小企业的负面影响……………………………………5 三、我国中小企业应对人民币汇率波动的措施 (一)企业应对人民币升值的措施…………………………………………………7 (二)企业应对人民币贬值的措施…………………………………………………8 参考文


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