
常州介绍 英文.ppt

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* * Changzhou acknown ChiCheng land, historical style, mahoganypanelled splendour, numerous historical 常州这方土地,历史文风炽盛,人才辈出,古迹众多。 The south China is the most complete ruins of yancheng city in spring and autumn, thirdly city before the unique shape of sanhe town is known as the wonders of the world. 城南的淹城遗址是我国最完整的春秋以前古城,其三城三河的独特形制被誉为世界奇迹。 A so-called southeast east of the northern TianNingSi jungle Taoist south Pope, uniting together the forefather of zhang boduan restaurant, hong mei ACTS of many times to changzhou su tabor ship site - Yi boat pavilions, has 1,500 years history writing tower. Hong mei park area wide, city park in the country is also rare. 城东有号称东南第一丛林的天宁寺,北宋道教南宗始祖张伯端聚徒修炼的红梅阁,苏东坡多次来常州的泊船处遗址--舣舟亭,已有1500年历史的文笔塔。红梅公园面积之广,在全国城中公园中亦为罕见。 篦箕 巷 红梅公园雪景 The contemporary scholars MiaoJin diachronic several years, Mr. Since the national 400 city outstanding experts and scholars geographic distribution of statistical analysis, draw changzhou in suzhou, hangzhou, ranked fourth after the conclusion of Beijing. 当代学者缪进鸿先生历时数载,对先秦以来全国400多座城市的杰出专家学者的地域分布进行统计分析,得出常州位居苏州、杭州、北京之后名列第四位的结论。 Changzhou humanities ceremony, began in 2,500 years built the city delay in chang, good diplomatic season Zagreb, fine music, heavy RanNuo and governors countries. 常州人文荟萃,肇始于2500年前建邑延陵的季札,以善外交,精礼乐,重然诺而见称于诸侯各国。 Modern east, changzhou talents, on the basis of inheriting history in new era, show the style. In literature and art, news publication, history research field of traditional characters to appear master. Have ChengXuanHuai students-interpreters, representative figure LiuGuoJun, calligraphy and painting, patriotic industrialist historian LiuHaiLi etc. 近现代以来,西学东渐,常州人才在传承历史的基础上,展现出新的时代风采。在文学艺术、新闻出版、史学研究等传统领域中大师级人物成批出现。有洋务派代表人物盛宣怀,爱国实业家刘国钧,书画学家刘海栗等。 刘海粟 After the liberation, have hua luogeng, WuJiePing as a representative of the Chinese academy of sciences, and 27 academicians helping-heroes in overseas for the honor of a large number of joon technology; As for in


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