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中华放射医学与防护杂志2014年3月第34卷第3期  Chin J Radiol Med Prot,March2014,Vol. 34,No. 3 ·215 · ·放射卫生· CR39 中子个人剂量监测的不确定度评定 曹磊  邓君  刘运宏  张贵英  王芳  周宁  郭文  胡爱英 【摘要】  目的  通过对CR39 中子个人剂量监测的不确定度评定,定量分析中子个人监测结果 的可靠性,提高中子个人剂量监测的质量水平。 方法  建立适当数学模型,通过对个人剂量计各个 环节因素引入不确定度的计算,评定CR39 中子个人剂量监测的扩展不确定度。结果  中子个人监 测的A类不确定度主要来自测量值和本底,测量值为A类不确定度的最大分量,为1168%。 引入 B类不确定度主要为能量响应为785%、剂量线性检验为40%、距离响应为168%和蚀刻条件为 30%等。 相对扩展不确定度约为32%,k =2。 结论  放射性同位素场所不确定度评定中,对于某 一较小能量范围的中子(即中子的能量分群),应采用符合其能量响应特性的中子探测器。 【关键词】  CR39;  中子个人剂量监测;  不确定度;  扩展不确定度 Determination and analysis of uncertainty forindividual neutron dosemonitoringusing CR39  Cao ∗ ∗   Lei ,Deng Jun,Liu Yunhong,Zhang Guiying,Wang Fang,Zhou Ning,Guo Wen,Hu Aiying. Key Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Emergency, China CDC, National Institute for Radiological Protection,Chinese Centerfor Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100088,China. 【Abstract】  Objective  To improve the quality of measurement of individual neutron dose and quantify reliability of result through determiningtheuncertainty of individual neutron dosemonitoringusing CR39. Methods   The uncertainty of measurement of individual neutron doseusing CR39 wasdetermined by establishing mathematic model and calculating uncertainty introduced by detector reading. Results  Type Auncertaintymainlycomeedfrommeasuringvaluesandbackground,withthemaximumcomponentof about 1168%. While type B uncertainty was about 785% from energy response,40% from dose linearity,168% from distance response and 30% from ecthing conditions respectively. In addition, energy response of detector contributes mostly to type B uncertainty. In present work, the relative uncertainty was32% withk=2. Conclusions  Intheevaluationofuncertaintyforradioisotopeworkplace, it is the right meansto choos


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