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政治经济汉译英 第一节 政治经济习俗语的形象表达与指称意义的解读  由于文化差异的影响,不同民族对同一形象往往产生不同的联想和体味,翻译中的形象转换不可避免。 若两种语言中形象与喻义刚好巧合,这种转换就比较顺利。 在形象和喻义难以两全的情况下,是保留形象还是保留喻义呢? 通常舍喻义,保形象,因为意义是第一位的。翻译就是译意。 建立“一站式”服务中心,为外国投资者提供审批业务“一条龙”服务。 Set up the “One-stop” Service Center to provide a coordinated process service for foreign investors in obtaining approval. 期间多次实行权力下放,但都只限于调整中央和地方、条条和块块的管理权限。 We tried to delegate power to lower levels on a number of occasions. But this was limited to readjusting the administrative power of the central and local authorities and of the different departments and regions. 必须始终不渝地坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针,加强精神文明建设。 We must unswervingly give equal importance to economic development on one hand and to the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand. 以江泽民为核心的党中央坚持两手抓、两手都要硬的方针,从多方面加强精神文明建设… The Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, in adherence to the principle of placing equal emphasis on material progress and ethical and cultural progress, with neither aspects neglected, has promoted ethical and cultural progress in all fields. 必须清楚看到,……“一手比较硬,一手比较软”的问题还没有解决。 We must see with a sober mind that …” attaching importance to material progress while neglecting ethical and cultural progress” has not been solved. 十年来最大的失误在教育。 一手比较硬,一手比较软。 The most serious error in the previous ten years were made in education. Some things were stressed while others were neglected. 搞现代化建设一定要坚持以经济建设为中心,要有两手,只有一手是不行的。 In going in for modernization, efforts must be made to keep economic development as the central task, and equal importance should be attached to both aspects for stressing only one aspect is not enough. 第二节 政治经济用语的字面意义与内涵表达 指称意义也叫所指意义、认知意义,指词与所指客体、思想或行为之间的直接关系。(denotation, designative meanings, cognitive meaning, referential meaning, conceptual meaning) 蕴涵意义,也称情感意义,指词内含的情感和联想意义. (connotation, affective meaning, implied meaning, suggested meaning ) 不看具体语境究其内涵意义,很难想到他们相应的正确英语表达法。仅仅根据其字面意义,这类用语无法译出,即使查字典,也常常无从查起。 因此,必须在吃透原文,从整个篇幅着眼,不拘泥于个别字句,注重特定语境中上下文的关


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