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盆花自动浇水系统的设计与实现 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AUTOMATIC FLOWER WATERING SYSTEM 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 姓 名: 指导教师姓名: 申请学位级别: 学 士 论文提交日期:2012年6月10日 学位授予单位: 天津科技大学 摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,花卉逐渐收到人们的青睐,可以说绿色植物正逐渐成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。很多家庭都种植有花卉植物,这些植物不仅美化了人们的生活,工作环境,还能净化空气,陶冶情操,人们看见往往会赏心悦目。众所周知,花没有了水就会枯萎,当主人外出旅游或出差时,这些花卉植物就会处于无人浇水的境地,所以设计一种可以自动对花卉按时浇水,且浇水量可根据土壤的实际湿度而按时调整的盆花自动浇水系统是十分必要的。而单片机作为能实现这一功能的元器件当然当仁不让的成为了主角。利用单片机设计一款家庭智能浇花器,小者来说实现自动浇花,节省人力,当人们外出的时候,不至于影响花卉的生长,如果在家也可以关断浇花器,手动浇花。往大的方面,盆花自动浇水系统还可以拓展到农业的庄稼自动浇水,果树自动浇水和园林的草地自动喷灌等好多方面。盆花自动浇水系统虽然有局限性,但是弄懂其精髓,会有举一反三的效果 关键词:数码管; 单片机; 湿度传感器;按键; DS1302; 继电器;定时;切换;湿度检测 ABSTRACT Pulse information in traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is very important significance, as this information has always been the clinical diagnosis and treatment of medical attention. This thesis is based on microprocessor-type pulse detector means, the main research work are as follows: pulse with infrared photoelectric sensor that detects the bodys pulse signal, after two second-order, low pass filter circuit effectively removes frequency noise. Get the analog signal and then through the A / D converted into digital signals, input microcontroller. Single chip pick digital signal pulse of real-time acquisition and analysis of the data processing. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the effective pickup pulse signals, to reduce unnecessary interference power, specially designed for the entire system of linear DC power supply. System can display real time measured by the pulse beats, per minute and the pulse will be measured by comparing the situation with the normal. If the results are quite different, the system will automatically set sound and light alarm. After debugging, the system can more accurately read the pulse of the pulse sensors pick up information, and can display and alarm, so as to achieve the desired design goals. The whole system has a simple structure, small size, high rel


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