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PAGE PAGE 20 第 页 浅析我国职务犯罪的原因与防治对策 摘要 体制改革还没有形成具体预防职务犯罪的最佳机制,不能更好地服从和服务于经济建设这个大局,认识职务犯罪的危害、特点、原因,是开展预防职务犯罪工作的前提,而预防,应从权力的监督和制约入手。在当今社会中腐败现象是困扰着世界各国发展的一个突出问题,而腐败现象最极端的表现就是职务犯罪。为了打击腐败行为,规范公共行政行为,杜绝职务犯罪的发生,各国政府纷纷立法,用法律的形式来制约腐败和职务犯罪的产生。在党的十七大以来出台了部分法规文件《建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系2008—2012年工作规划》、《国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定》、《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》,以此来规范行政行为,弥补制度缺陷造成的腐败,从而更彻底的打击腐败行为和职务犯罪行为。 关键词 职务犯罪;危害;特点;原因;预防 The main reason of job-related crimes and countermeasures Abstract The organizational reform has not formed the concrete prevention crime by taking advantage of duty the best mechanism, cannot obey well and serve economic development this general situation, knew that the crime by taking advantage of duty the harm, the characteristic, the reason, are do the prevention crime by taking advantage of duty work the premise, but prevents, should obtains from the authority surveillance and the restriction. The corruption is puzzling a various countries development prominent question now in the society, but the corruption most violent performance is the crime by taking advantage of duty. In order to attack the corruption, the standard public administration behavior, ceases the crime by taking advantage of duty the occurrence, various countries government legislates in abundance, restricts the corruption and the crime by taking advantage of duty production with the legal form. Since the party 17 have been big has released the partial laws and regulations document Establishment Perfect Punishment And Prevention Corrupt System 2008-2012 Year Work Plan, State-owned business Leadership personnel To be employed Honestly Punishment which And Prevention Corrupt System Implementation Summary Certain Stipulations, Establishment Perfect Education, System, Inspector general Pay equal attention to, comes the standard administrative action by this, the corruption which the atonement system flaw creates, thus thorougher attack corruption and crime by taking advantage of duty behavi


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