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Natural language indexing means that searches can be carried out using familiar terms which the authors originally used. Consider use of synonyms, British/US spellings etc. To maximise the precision, limit the search to the TOPICS field. Also check the BIOSIS controlled vocabulary (Authority File) for lists of broader controlled terminology to support your search. Web of Knowledge uses implied adjacency. Leaving a space between search terms retrieves records where the two terms appear adjacent to one another as part of a phrase. The controlled vocabulary (Authority File) is available and uses natural language rather than codes to index topics to controlled terminology. Use the “Select from list” option to view term broader and narrower terms and phrases Also available on the BIOSIS website at /authorityfile.html BIOSIS Previews? 介绍 基于ISI Web of Knowledge平台 About BIOSIS BIOSIS—美国生物科学信息服务社 宗旨与使命为 “提供生命科学知识,促进生命科学发展” 非营利性的机构 总部位于美国费城 BIOSIS Previews Biological Abstracts Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews Meetings) BIOSIS Previews BIOSIS Previews 兼具深度与广度的生命科学暨生物医学数据库,是目前世界上最大的生命科学及生物医学数据库 由专家有系统的将资料汇整后,发展出一套特有的检索搜寻方式,将数据库完整的呈现在使用者面前。使用者只需要具备专业知识和简单的查询技巧,就可以在复杂而大量的数据库中,轻松且正确的找到完整的相关信息 BIOSIS Previews收录资料类型 Journals-期刊中的研究论文 Books-摘录书本中针对单一主题的深度讨论与研究结果。 Review Articles-评论性文章 Reports-研究报告 Meetings-学术研讨会之会议论文 Patents-专利法案 统计 每年收录约56万笔的记录 自公元1969年以来,收录了超过1,300万笔的资料 超过5,200种国际科学期刊 1,500种国际会议 North America (31%) Asia, Australasia (14%) Europe Middle East (52%) Central S. America (2%) Africa (1%) 收录资料的地理范围 –超过90个国家 涵盖学科主题 Traditional topics Interdisciplinary areas Related areas 编制专用的索引系统使检索高效、完整 By life scientists for life scientists 独特的索引方法为不同类型的信息提供统一的结构,使检索更高效 CAS Registry Numbers and MeSH disease terms 使检索更有效 基于 ISI Web of Knowledge平台的BIOSIS Previews Web access 1969 onwards(交大用户从1996起) 周更新 通过Web of Knowledge连接全文 记录样例 Successful ribavirin therapy for severe adenovirus hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic marrow transplant


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