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精品文档 International Harmonized Research Activities Working Group on ITS (IHRA-ITS) 精品文档 IHRA-ITS UN-ECE WP.29 ITS Informal Group Geneva, March, 2011 Design Principles for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: Keeping Drivers In-the-Loop Transmitted by chairman of IHRA/ITS Informal document No. ITS-19-08 (19th ITS, 11March 2011, Agenda item 5) 精品文档 Trends in driver assistance technology Safety concerns Design principles for control Summary Outline 精品文档 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Collision warning and automatic braking Adaptive front headlights Lane departure warning Lane keeping assistance Blind spot Driver monitoring Speed alert Assisted parking Overtaking assistance Signal violation warning …. Cooperative systems V2V, V2I, V2X EU Project - Prevent 精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 Human Factors Needs Awareness and understanding of current system status Understanding of system functions and limitations Proper instructions, supporting materials and accurate marketing Optimal driver workload and task engagement Consistent ‘look and feel’ to limit interoperability issues Identify factors that affect appropriate trust and system reliance Design in fail-safe modes Identify potential unsafe side effects of behavioural adaptation and design for any reasonably foreseeable misuse. 精品文档 In-the-Loop the driver is involved in the driving task and is aware of the vehicle status and road traffic situation. driver plays an active role in the driver-vehicle system. Out-of-the-Loop (potential negative consequence of automation) Reduced situational awareness - driver is not immediately aware of the vehicle and the current or developing road traffic situation. not actively monitoring, making decisions or providing input to the driving task. diminished ability to detect system errors and manually respond. In-the-Loop Performance 精品文档 The International Harmonized Research Activities (IHRA) working group on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has been providing support to the UN-ECE
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