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研究設計及撰寫報告的一些建議 黃熾森 香港中文大學管理學系教授 地址: 香港新界沙田香港中文大學管理學系 大綱 (一) 恰當的資料提供者(Appropriate Informants); (二) 非隨機抽樣(Non-random Sample); (三)「沒回應偏差」(Non-response Bias); (四)「共同方法變異量」(Common Method Variance); (五) 多樣本的相互印證(Multi-Sample Cross-Validation); (六) 合併資料(Aggregating Data to Groups); (七) 資料的獨立性; (八) 跨文化議題(Cross-Cultural Issues); (九) 研究方法議題的論文(Papers on Research Method Issues); (十) 跟從標準的報告方式。 恰當的資料提供者-1 必須確保提供資料的人是有能力提供可信和有效的相關資料。 個人層面方面,關於個人的性格和態度的構念,由受訪者直接提供可能是最恰當的,但關於工作績效,其直屬主管則更為恰當。 關於機構層面的資料,一個普通的職員不一定了解機構的人力資源政策或機構的業績。 如果我們用郵寄方式要求機構填寫這些資料,便不能沒有其他的措施來確保資料提供者是否恰當的人選。 恰當的資料提供者-2 …..a professor in Xiamen University helped us to distribute the survey to human resources and top-level managers in TNCs in Fujian, PRC, which constituted the final sample of this study….. we had good connections with the professor in Xiamen, Fujian, who could help us to collect quality localization data using his graduate students…..With the help of this professor in Xiamen, we sent out 180 questionnaires to current and graduated MBA students who are top or middle-level managers in TNCs in Fujian Province. These managers were asked to fill out the questionnaires themselves if they were the human resources manager of the company. They were asked to refer to their human resources manager for necessary information if they were top executives of the company. After distributing the questionnaires and one round of telephone follow-up, a total of 139 responses were received. The response rate was 77%. The key advantage of this sampling process is the personal relationships between the Xiamen professor and the respondents. Thus, we were sure that the appropriate executives completed the questionnaires instead of other employees who may not have sufficient information to answer the questions. 非隨機抽樣-1 在絕大部分的情況下,組織行為及人力資源管理的研究都無法做到完全的隨機抽樣 應該盡量避免太「隨意」的抽樣。 應盡可能有一個抽樣的框架(Sampling frame)或抽樣的標準。 提供樣本與研究問題可能相關的資料,讓讀者判斷樣本是否有偏差,在討論研究結果的部分,也應交待此一限制及可能對研究外部效度的影響。 非隨機抽樣-2 Final participants in our validat


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