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小学英语教科书分析方法与使用建议 华中师范大学北京研究院 鲁子问 教科书与教科书 教科书 Textbook: book of learning texts Coursebook: book for a specific course 教材 Teaching Material: materials for teaching 教材 > 教科书 教科书是最常用、最主要的教材。 小学英语教科书的美丽 小学英语教科书美丽的悖论 美丽的外表下面是什么? 如何面对这花儿一样的美丽? 教科书分析的不同目的 1、为了选用教科书 先建构学习目的、分析学习条件,根据目标和条件,选择恰当的材料 2、为了教学决策 教师为了进行教学设计,需要开展教学决策。教学决策需要分析学生、教师、教学内容(教科书)。方法为:先分析教学目标、分析学习者特征,基于此,分析教学教科书所提供的支架能否有助于教学目标的实现。 3、为了评价审查教科书 4、为了学术研究 分析的必要性 没有教科书100%符合您所任教班级,即使您自己编写一本也是如此,因为我们无法预知课堂中无限丰富的生成,我们当然无法设计基于学生无限的、不可预测的生成的建构支架 有些教科书没有全面覆盖课标核心内容 某教科书话题内容 某教科书语言知识内容 语音知识:字母名称的读音,简单的拼读规律,单词和句子有重音,英语语音包括重音、连读、语调、节奏、停顿等现象; 词汇知识:了解单词是由字母构成的,知道要根据单词的音、义、形来学习词汇,学习到1950个左右的单词; 语法知识:名词单复数形式,主要人称代词的区别,动词用法,五种时态(一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、现在进行、现在完成),表示时间、地点和位置的介词、副词。 小学英语教科书 分析方法 教科书分析的一般工具 Council of Europe的教科书分析表 1. Contents Do the textbook writers state a clear rationale for what is included in the materials? Are the main aims of the course and the units clear? Do the materials justify these aims? Do you think learners are likely to achieve these aims using these materials? Are the aims of the materials appropriate for your learners? Is the level of the materials appropriate? Is the anticipated pace of learning appropriate? Are the topics likely to be of interest and value to your learners? 2. Media Is the course presented through media that are useful and practical in your context? Are different media exploited for their unique possibilities? Are all the components of the course essential or are some optional? 3. Methodology Is there a pattern of organisation to the units? Are the lessons organised according to clear learning principles? Do you feel that the materials represent beliefs about language and learning with which you feel comfortable? Do the materials include different approaches for different purposes (components/media)? Do the materials include opportunities for learning and acquisition? Is there adequate recycling of new language? 4. Learner support Do the materials contain resources


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