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. 香港特別行政區 知識產權制度的必威体育精装版發展 Latest Developments in the Intellectual Property System of Hong Kong SAR 彭淑芬 香港特別行政區政府 知識產權署 Fanny Pang Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong SAR 內容 Contents 版權、專利、註冊外觀設計及商標的新法例 New legislation - copyright, patents, registered designs trade marks 電子商貿模式 E-business Model 商標、專利及註冊外觀設計的必威体育精装版統計數字 Updated trade marks, patents and registered designs statistics 推廣及公民教育 Promotion and Public Education 內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係安排(CEPA) ?2003年版權(修訂)條例草案?在2003年1月提交立法會 Submission of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 to the Legislative Council in January 2003 2003年版權(修訂)條例草案(“草案”)的目的 Purpose of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (“the Bill”) 草案的主要內容 Main contents of the Bill (1) 將現時在業務上使用盜版複製品的刑責的安排?落實為長期措施 Make permanent the existing arrangements concerning the criminal liabilities for using pirated copies of copyright works in business 2003年版權(修訂)條例草案(“草案”)的目的 (續) Purpose of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (“the Bill”) (cont‘d) 現時的安排 Existing arrangements : 在業務上, 使用盜版複制品的刑事責任, 只適用於四類版權作品: criminal liability for using infringing copies of four types of copyright works in business only:- (1) 電腦程式 computer programs; (2) 電影 movies; (3) 電視劇或電視電影; 以及 television dramas; and (4) 音樂紀錄 musical recordings 2003年版權(修訂)條例草案的目的(續) Purpose of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont‘d) (2) 針對影印店舖非法影印書本, 雜誌或期刊作商業用途的刑事制裁(影印店罪行) Introduce a new offence to combat illicit reproduction of books, magazine or periodicals by copyshops for commercial purposes (copyshop offence) 2003年版權(修訂)條例草案的目的(續) Purpose of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2003 (cont’d) 經過立法會討論,條例草案最後經修訂後,只保留影印店罪行 The Bill was subsequently revised to a watered-down version to contain only the copyshop offence after discussion at the Legislative Council 影印店罪行 The Copyshop Offence 任何人如為複制服務業務的目的, 或在該項業務的過程中, 管有在書本、雜誌或期刊發表的版權作品的侵犯版權翻印複製品, 該人即須負刑事法律責任 . A Person would


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