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3.1 畜牧科技发展目标 适应中国畜牧业已经初步摆脱了畜产品严重短缺,畜牧业生产已由传统的只注重产量增长目标向质量和产量并重转变和向增加国际竞争能力、有效保护生态环境方面转变的需要; 针对当前中国畜牧业在安全、质量、资源、环境方面面临的重大挑战;为建设一个质量效益俱佳、生产加工并重、富有国际竞争力、现代化水平较高的新型畜牧业产业体系提供技术支撑。 3 Future direction and priority of animal science and technology 3.1 The goal of animal science and technology to transform the way of economic growth from the traditional extensive animal husbandry to the modern intensive sustainable one to enhance the food safety and quality, sustainablely utilize the resources and consider the environmental implications to construct a newly supportive animal husbandry industry with emphasis on the balance of the quality, productivity, processing ,high Sci-Tech and value-added animal products 3 科技发展方向和重点研究内容 3.2战略任务 以畜牧科技原始创新和畜牧发展中的重大关键技术为重点,对传统养殖技术进行改造和升级,尽快建立优质高效集约化的现代养殖体系,提高重大动物疫病控制能力,促进传统养殖业向现代养殖业的快速转变,从根本上解决中国畜牧业发展面临的资源制约问题、质量安全问题、生态安全问题和动物疫病控制问题。 3.2 Strategic responsibility Centering on the original innovation and key technology in animal husbandry Modifying and updating the traditional feeding techniques Constructing the qualified effectively modern feeding system Enhancing the ability to control infectious disease Transforming from traditional animal industry to modern animal husbandry Solving the problems related to the limitations of resources for animal husbandry, food safety and quality, environmental safety and animal disease 3.3发展方向 3.3.1 畜禽育种 方向 系统性地在分子水平上开展畜禽遗传资源的鉴定评价和创新利用研究,重点发掘优异的新材料、新基因,走发掘与引进相结合的道路 以畜禽生产能力的提高作为最基本的育种目标,通过不断提高品种生产力保障畜产品供给 将优质、专用化新品种作为畜禽育种创新的重点 加强高新技术在育种技术中的应用研究,通过育种技术的升级,实现高新技术的实用化、高效化和安全化,大幅度地提高畜禽育种效率,增加畜禽品种的科技含量。 3.3 Future direction 3.3.1 Breeding direction Conducting the systematic study on the genetic resources identification and evaluation by using molecular technology Improving the potential productivity through breeding Developing fine animal breed and specialized breed Integrating new technology into animal breeding techniques 畜禽育种技术将实现三个转变 育种目标:高产?高产+优质+专用 育种技术:常规育种?常规育种+分子育种


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