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10459 051062 授予单位代码 申请号 密 级 文 学论 大位 州学 郑. 硕 论文 作者 学科 专业 题 姓 门 名 巨: 名: 类: 称: 导师姓名、职称: 洛阳高新开发区热力公司战略发展研究 陈平 管理学 工商管理硕士 何枭吟博士 :零零七年五月 ABSTRACT As we know, Heat-Energy-Supply not only has the closed relation with the ordinary families, but also greatly effect the development of the power supply enterprises. At present the existing background of the no-unified power supply networks, the incomplete management has been becoming the obstacle to the development of the Heat-Energy-Supply industry. This article the methodology of combining theory with practice is adopted to research the intra and inter condition of Luoyang Hi-tech zone power supply company, and take using of the method of SWOT to dig the potential drawbacks existed in the enterprise, in order to regulate the short-term and middle-term target, and to realize the strategy of low cost expanding, business operation of joint venture and alliance. In finally throu^ the above method, the target of enterprise continues innovation and muhi-development will be achieved smoothly. In addition,it is given of the suggestion including implementing intra-enteiprise guarantee regulation, realizing Government-allowed special business operation, building the supervising network of Heat-Energy-Supply allowance. In near future, we can see that these above regulations would performance the key role in the side of keeping the continuing competitive advantages and strengthening the strength of company. Key words: Resource, Supply, Enterprise Strategy 弓I 第一章引言 1.1论文研究背景 城市集中供热作为城市公益项目,对发展循环经济,节约资源,保护生态环境 起推动作用,它具有节约能源、减少污染、有利企业生产、方便居民生活的综合经 济效益、环境效益和社会效益。但是随着社会经济的快速发展,热成为商品已迫在 眉睫,热的商品化与旧有热的福利化和落后的供热体制出现了不相适应的情况,导 致收费难,能耗高,资源浪费严重,环境污染严重等社会问题日益突出,严重阻碍 了供热事业的健康发展。随着国家提倡节约能源,推进供热体制改革,将热推向商 品化进程的加快,困扰供热事业发展的突出矛盾将逐jil;?得到解决,热力企业将围绕 战略目标,大力实施供热体制改革,采取有效的管理方法,努力实现经济效益的稳 步增长。 1.2论文研究意义 企业的管理活动中,战略决策至关重要,一切管理活动都必须依托对战略决策 的管理来进行。企业战略管理的重要内容之一是对未来不确定性的管理,这种不确 定性很大程度上是由内外环境的变化引起的,发展中的企业对发展战略的动态性、 适应性、有效性提出了更高的要求,在这种背景下,适时研究、制定企业的未来战 略便成为企业发展的迫切需要,


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