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Infrared and
Raman Spectroscopy
Edited by Bernhard Schrader
0VCH Verlagsgescllschaft mbH. D-69451 Weinheim (Federal Republic of Gcrrnany). I Y Y S
VCH. P.O. Box I0 1 1 61. D-69451 Weinhcini (Federal Republic of Germany)
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ISBN 3-527-26446-9
Infrared and
Rarnan Spectroscopy
Methods and Applications
Edited by Bernhard Schrader
D. Bougeard, M. Buback, A. Cao,
K. Gerwert, H. M. Heise, G. G. Hoffmann, B. Jordanov,
W Kiefer, E.-H.Korte, H. Kuzmany, A. Leipertz, E. Lentz, J. Liquier,
A. Roseler, H. Schnockel, B. Schrader, H. W Schrotter,
M. Spiekermann, E. Taillandier, H. Willner
VCH Weinheim New York . Base1 Cambridge * Tokyc
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Schradcr
Soniuswcg 20
D-45259 Essen (Heisingcn)
This hook was carefully produced. Nevertheless. authors, editor and publisher do not warrant the infor-
mation contained therein to be free of errors. Rcadcrs are advised to keep in mind that statements. data.
illustrations, procedural details or othcr items may inadvertently bc inaccurate.
Published jointly by
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheini (Federal Republic of Gcrmany)
VCH Publishers. Inc., New York, N Y (USA)
Editorial Director: Dr. Steffen Pauly
Library of Congress Card No.: applied for
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:
A catalogue re
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