某综合楼火灾自动报警及消防联动系统控制 毕业论文.doc

某综合楼火灾自动报警及消防联动系统控制 毕业论文.doc

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PAGE I 摘 要 随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,城市用地日益紧张,促使建筑物正朝着高层化、密集化方向发展。高层建筑的特点决定其火灾的危险性和高层建筑的火灾自动报警系统的重要性,一套完整的火灾自动报警系统是高层建筑发生火灾时人们生命财产的有利保障,是能否快速准确地发现火情,把火灾扑灭在萌芽状态的关键所在, 本设计主要由下面几个部分组成: (1)火灾自动报警系统 该大楼的自动报警系统由火灾探测器、区域显示器和集中报警器组成。在一层设置消防控制中心并在每层设区域显示器。 (2)消防通讯系统 火灾事故广播与公共广播结合使用。事故广播功放设置一主一备两台,并且功率满足要求。采用总线制设备,每路设控制模块,每个控制模块可控制40个3w的扬声器。 消防专用电话独立设置消防通讯网络系统。在消防控制室、各值班室、主要出入口处,设置消防专用电话。消防专用电话距地1.5m,并能和市119火警电话线接通。 (3)安全疏散和防排烟系统 火灾发生时由烟感器感知,并在防灾中心显示所在分区。以手动操作为原则将排烟口开启,排烟风机与排烟口的操作连锁启动,人员开始疏散。火势扩大后,排烟风道中的阀门在温度达到280℃时关闭,停止排烟,这时,火灾层的人员全部疏散完毕。 (4)联动控制系统 消防泵、喷洒泵启动,防烟和排烟风机启动、切除非消防电源、电梯迫降、防火卷帘的下降逻辑编制,任何确认火灾信号均联动消防设施动作。在系统设计上,自动确认,用两组探测器或两种不同类别的火灾探测器同时报警后确定。确认火灾后,切除非消防电源和电梯迫降;火灾报警后应停止空调送风,关闭电动防火阀,启动有关部位的防烟和排烟风机、排烟阀等,并接收反馈信号。 关 键 词:自动报警 消防通讯 安全疏散和防排烟 联动控制 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas economic construction, peoples rising living standards, urban land increasingly tense, to promote high-level of the building is moving, the direction of intensive development. Determine the characteristics of high-rise building fire risk and high-rise building of the importance of automatic fire alarm system, a complete automatic fire alarm system is a high-rise building fire when it was beneficial to protect life and property, is the ability to quickly and accurately find fire, the fire is extinguished the key in the bud, the design mainly consists of the following components:   (1)Fire alarm system   The buildings automatic fire alarm system consists of detectors, regional centralized alarm display and composition. Set in a layer of fire control center located in each area displays.   (2)The Fire Services Communication System System   Fire combination of broadcasting and public broadcasting. Accident radio amplifier set a preparation of a master of two, and power to meet the requirements. Equipment using the bus system, each set control module, each control module can control 40 3w speakers.   Independent set fire dedicated telephone communication network system. In the fire c



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