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4 1 5 ( ) V ol. 4 1, N o. 5 20 11 9 Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences) Sep. 20 11 DOI: 10 . 3785/ j. issn. 100 8- 942X. 2011. 06 . 2 11 非法集资中的不特定对象标准探析 证券私募视角的全新解读 李有星 范俊浩 ( , 310008) [ ] , , , , , , , , , , [ ] ; ; ; ; ; On the Standard for Unspecific O jects in Illegal Fund-Raising: A New Explanation from the Perspective of Private Placement L i Y ouxing Fan Junhao (Guanghua L aw School, Zhej iang University , H angz hou 310008, China) A stract: Whe her o r no he f und- raising objec s are specif ic w ill af fec he na ure of he f und raising in priva e sec or . One o f he necessary com ponen s fo r illegal f und- raising is raising f unds fro m unspecific objec s. A l hough here ar e rules on illegal f und- raising, he rules ar e so vague and sim ple and hav e many def ec s such as he v ag ue s andar d for f riend- rela ive, he improper charac er iz a ion o f spreading f rom mou h o m ou h and so on. In he case of W u Y in, hese prob- lems became he f oci of he con ro versy, and fur herm ore, one canno reach he co rrec conclu- sion by m er ely relying on crim inal law . T o perf ec he s andard f or unspecif ic objec s, he ins i u- ion o f saf e- harbor in he U . S . secur i ies law is of sig nif ican ref erence value. In o rder o a- chieve his g oal, w e shoul d amend he crim inal law , clarify he s andards, chang e he leg al regu- [ ] 20 11-06-2 1 [ ] h p: / / ww w . journals . zju. edu . cn/ soc [ ] 20 11-08- 26 [ ] 2 11 ( 203000- 1232 1030 1) ;


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