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Japanese attractions OUR ROUTE 1 5 Okinawa - Osaka - Nagoya - Kanagawa - Hokkaido (冲绳—大阪—名古屋—神奈川—北海道) Okinawa (冲绳) Manzamō(万座毛) TICKETS : The tickets for free. TIME : Open all day. Scenery : Like an elephants nose. Near the beautiful blue ocean. All kinds of water sports: such as. Surfing Yuquandong(玉泉洞) Stalactite cave, is Southeast Asias largest underground gallery title, Yuquan cave stalactites are unique to Okinawa coral reef (钟乳石洞,亦有东南亚最大地下美术馆的称号,玉泉洞的钟乳石是冲绳独有的珊瑚礁) Aquija Church (艾奎雅教堂) Ryukyu Village (琉球村) 大 阪 (Osaka) Osaka(大阪) Osaka is located in the Midwest, the Japanese Central Kinki areas.It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the west facing arched in the Gulf of Osaka. The best scenery shin sai ba shi(心斋桥) Osaka jyou (大阪城) tuu tenn kaku (通天阁) shin sai ba shi(心斋桥) The characteristics of Osaka shopping street, a permanent symbol of Osaka.It have many boutiques and Store. (大阪特色的商业街,也是大阪的一个永久性标志。是大阪最大的购物区,集中了许多精品屋和专卖店。 Osaka jyou(大阪城) This is Osakas most famous tourist attractions. Especially famous is the big gate and the tower built along the moat. (这是大阪最有名的旅游景点.其中最特别的是它的大城门和沿着护城河而建的塔楼。) tuu tenn kaku(通天阁) It known as the Eiffel Tower of Osaka.It was first built in 1912. When completed, it has become a symbol of Osaka City. (被称为大阪的“埃菲尔铁塔”,最早建立于1912年。落成时,成为了大阪城市的标志。) Food • Okonomi (大阪烧) • ta ko ya ki (章鱼烧) • uudon hot pot (乌冬面火锅 ) Hotel In Osaka, there are many hotels . Such as Swissotel Nankai Osaka Hotel(大阪南海瑞士酒店) Super Hotel Osaka Natural Hot Springs(大阪天然温泉超级酒店) Hotel Nikko Osaka(大阪日航酒店) 名古屋市 (Nagoya) 名古屋市 (Nagoya) City of Nagoya (Nagoya), is the capital of Aichi, Japan, Japan‘s fourth-largest city, located in central Honshu, Japan, At the same time, as an important port city, Nagoya port is also one of the five international trade port of Japan. Because between Tokyo and Kyoto, the ancient capital, also known as “zhongjing.”(名古屋市(名古屋),是日本爱知县的首府,日本的第四大城市,位于本州中部,日本。同时,作为重要的港口城市,名古屋港也是日本的五大国际贸易港之一。因为东京和京都之间,古老的首都,也被称为“中京”。 The best scenery O


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