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高级英语(1)修辞格汇总 2010-12-30 PAGE PAGE 1 词语修辞格 simile 明喻 ...a memory that seemed phonographic “Mama,” Wangero said sweet as a bird .“can I have these old quilts?” Most American remember M. T. as the father of... Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail. Impressed with her they worshiped the well-turned phrase, the cute shape, the scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye. My skin is like an uncooked barley pancake. She gasped like a bee had stung her. metaphor 暗喻 It is a vast, sombre cavern of a room,… Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. The dye-market, the pottery market and the carpenters’ market lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb the bazaar. A the last this intermezzo came to an end… …showing just enough of her thin body enveloped in pink skirt and red blouse… After I tripped over it two or three times he told me … Mark Twain Mirror of America saw clearly ahead a black wall of night... main artery of transportation in the young nations heart All would resurface in his books...that he soaked up... When railroads began drying up the demand... ...the epidemic of gold and silver fever... Twain began digging his way to regional fame... Mark Twain honed and experimented with his new writing muscles... The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind. Her voice was a whiplash. and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind… But all this fades away before the spectacle which is now unfolding. I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey. I see the Russian soldiers standing on the thresthold of their native land, guarding the fields whi


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