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超市收银管理系统设计与实现 学 生 签 名 : 指导老师签名: 评 阅 人签名: 年 月 摘 要   21世纪已经是一个信息化时代,超市经营管理机制正在发生着根本性的变化,商场要想在激烈的市场竞争环境下求得生存,就必须有效地利用人才、时间、信息结合的优势,进行有效的超市内部改革和加强收银管理。借助现代信息   本系统针对商品销售管理的业务范围及工作特点,设计了基于智能客户端架构的超市收银系统,可以全面实现对商品销售、付款、收款和库存等业务的计算机管理,大大减轻了超市收银工作人员的工作量,全面提高了超市收银管理的管理效率以及服务质量,使管理水平和业务水平跃上了一个新的台阶。本文论述了基于智能客户端的超市收银系统的设计和实现过程,并对其数据安全进行了深入研究。 系统采用SQL 2005作为数据库引擎,在Visual Studio 2008平台上开发实现。 关键词:超市收银系统;智能客户端;数据安全; Visual Studio 2008;SQL 2005 ABSTRACT The 21st century is an era of information is already, supermarket management mechanism is undergoing fundamental changes, bazaar to in the fierce market competition environment, we must seek survival talent, the effective use of time, information, combined with the advantages of the supermarket, effective internal reform and strengthen the cashier management. Using modern information This system in view of the commodity sale management scope of business and work, based on the characteristics of intelligent design framework of client of the supermarket controls silver system, can achieve sales and payment for goods, collection and inventory management, the computer business such as the supermarket controls silver greatly to reduce the workload of workers, improve the efficiency of management of the supermarket controls silver management and service quality, make the management level and the level of business onto a new stage. This paper based on the intelligent client the supermarket controls silver system design and implementation of the process, and the data security is studied. System USES SQL database engine, in 2005 as Visual Studio 2008 platform development. Keywords: the supermarket controls silver system, Intelligent client, Data security, Visual Studio in 2008, SQL 2005 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc264729045 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc264729045 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264729046 1.1 课题背景及目的 PAGEREF _Toc264729046 \


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