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实用文案 PAGE 标准文档 题目:盈利能力影响因素研究——基于杜邦财务模型的分析 实用文案 标准文档 实用文案 标准文档 目 录 标准文档 【摘要】 盈利是企业生存发展的关键,盈利能力的分析是财务报表分析的核心,盈利能力分析能够有助于帮助企业找到盈利的驱动因素和分析驱动因素的变动效果,进而帮助企业找到盈利短板,以问题为导向,不断加强企业盈利能力建设。杜邦分析是一项综合性财务分析指标,该指标以资产净利率为基础,因此杜邦分析综合性强,可进一步分解分析的突出优点,是企业财务分析的重要工具。本文通过SJ公司2013年-2015年财务报表为基础,分析该公司杜邦指标三年来变化趋势,以及以杜邦指标为基础,对影响盈利能力的因素进行重点分析,通过连环替代法和SPSS软件回归分析依次分析资产周转率以及权益乘数对企业盈利发展的影响,进而探究出影响企业盈利能力的关键因素,为企业下一步的科学决策奠定基础。这为一般企业以杜邦指标分析企业盈利能力提供了借鉴意义。 【关键词】 杜邦分析 盈利能力 因素分析 Abstract Profit is the key to the survival and development of enterprises, the profitability analysis is the core of financial statement analysis, profitability analysis can contribute to help enterprises to find profit driven factors and analysis of driving factors of the effect of change, and help enterprises to find profitable short board, problem oriented, continuously strengthen the construction of enterprise profitability. The advantages of DuPont analysis is a comprehensive financial analysis index, the index to assets, net interest margin based. Therefore, Du Pont analysis comprehensive strong, further decomposition analysis, corporate financial analysis is an important tool. The through financial statements SJ company in 2013 and 2015 based. Analysis the DuPont index over the past three years change trend, and DuPont index based, the factors to affect the profitability are analyzed and through serial substitution method and SPSS software regression analysis followed by the analysis of capital turnover rate and equity multiplier on the profitability of the business development impact, and then find out the key factors influencing the profitability of enterprises, so as to lay a foundation for enterprises under the step of scientific decision-making. This provides a reference value for the general enterprises to analyze the profitability of the enterprise with DuPont index. Key words: DuPont analysis analysis of profitability factor analysis 标准文档 标准文档 绪论 选题的背景与研究意义 (一) 背景 企业的竞争能力高低的核心在盈利能力,盈利能力是企业立足市场,参与竞争的


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