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实用文案 标准文档 PAGE 0 摘 要 本文意在明确一题多解和多题一解与学生思维能力发展之间的关系,从而使教师在数学解题教学过程中更加重视解题方法对学生思维能力的培养。本文通过两种典型例题即一题多解型和多题一解型的讲解,阐述了通过不同的例题可以达到对学生思维能力的训练培养的目的。通过一题多解,可以开阔学生思路、发散学生思维,让学生学会多角度分析和解决问题;通过多题一解,能够加深学生的思维深度,分析事物时学会由表及里,抓住事物的本质,找出事物间内在的联系。与此同时,对一题多解和多题一解的运用,要注意相互结合,灵活运用,不可只求一技,失之偏颇。 关键词:一题多解 多题一解 思维能力 Abstract A multi solution with multi-title, a solution is a commonly used method in the teaching of mathematical problem solving. To a given problem, can mathematical knowledge has been an organic gathering of students divergent thinking is a good opportunity for its exercise; a solution of the multi-title, students can digest the knowledge, but also training the students of the Idea. In this paper, two typical example that is a question to the multi-solution and multi-title solution-based explanation on the purpose of training the training of the students thinking abilities can be achieved through different examples. To a given problem, you can broaden the horizons of the students thinking, divergent thinking of the students, for students to learn multi-angle analysis and problem solving; a solution more than the question, can enhance students depth of thinking, learn to analyze things from outside to inside, to seize the the nature of things, find things intrinsically linked. This article is intended relationship between the development of the ability to clear a given problem and a solution of the multi-title, with students thinking, so that teachers pay more attention to the culture of problem-solving approach to students thinking ability in mathematical problem solving teaching process. Key words:Multiple solutions for one question A solutions of the multi-title Thinking ability 数学解题过程中一题多解与多题一解对学生思维能力的培养 引言 现代心理学认为,数学是人类思维的体操,在培养人的聪明才智方面起着巨大的作用。所以,数学教学实质上是数学思维活动的教学。也就是说,在数学教学中,除了要使学生掌握基础知识、基本技能外,还要注意培养学生的思维能力。培养学生的思维能力是新课程改革的基本理念,也是数学教育的基本目标之一。“学生在学习数学和运用数学解决问题时,不断地经历直观感知、观察发现、归纳类比、空间想象、抽象概况、符号表示、运算求解 、数据处理、演绎证明、反思与建构等思维过程。这些过程是数学思维能力的具体体现,有助


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