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PAGE I 沈阳理工大学 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于单片机的超声波清洗机的设计 系 别: 信息与控制学院 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 学生姓名: 闫圣坤 指导教师: 耿欣 2011 年 6 月 15 日 PAGE III 摘 要 超声波清洗始于20世纪50年代初,随着技术的进步应用日益扩大。目前已广泛地用于电子电器工业、清洗半导体器件、电子管零件、印刷电路、继电器、开关和滤波器等;机械工业中用于清洗齿轮、轴承、油泵油嘴偶件、燃油过滤器、阀门及其他机械零件,大如发动机及导弹部件,小如手表零件;再如光学和医疗器械方面用于清洗各种透镜、眼镜及框、医用玻璃器皿、针管和手术器具等。 此次设计的超声波清洗机主要应用于对印制电路板等表面复杂的器件进行清洗,本设计以单片机为核心器件,可以通过按键对清洗时间进行设定,通过LED数码管进行倒计时显示。该产品是一种机电产品,通过压电陶瓷材料做成的超声波换能器将超声频电振荡转变成机械振动,在液体中产生超声波振动进行清洗。利用超声波可以穿透固体物质而使整个清洗介质振动并产生空化气泡,该清洗方式对任何生活用具不存在清洗不到的死角,且清洗洁净度非常高。本系统运行可靠,实用性强,具有一定的使用价值和意义。 关键词:单片机;超声波换能器;清洗机 Abstract Ultrasonic cleaning the 20th century began in the early 50s, with the development of technology application widening. At present already widely used in electronic industry, cleaning semiconductor devices, valve parts, printed circuit, relays, switches and filters, etc.; Mechanical industry for the cleaning gears, bearings, oil, pump glib accidentally pieces, fuel filter, valves and other mechanical parts, as big as a engine and missile components, small as watch parts; Be like again optical and medical devices used for washing various aspects lens glasses and box, medical glassware, needle and surgical tools, etc. The design of ultrasonic cleaning machine is mainly used in printed circuit board surface complex devices such as cleaning, this design based on singlechip device, can pass keys for cleaning time Settings, through LED digital tube countdown show. This product is a kind of mechanical and electrical products, through the piezoelectric materials made of super audio ultrasonic transducer electrical oscillation transformed into mechanical vibration, produce ultrasonic vibration in liquid cleaning. Using ultrasonic can penetrate through the solid material and make whole cleaning medium



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