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* 我院内分泌科至今有十余年的历史,但由于历史的原因,一直处于起点较低的 状态,自2003年,医院进行人事改革后,内分泌专业有了迅猛的发展,于2004年成立糖尿病临床医学中心,在各位专家教授及各大医院的支持下,在医院的全力支持下,糖尿病专业自此有了飞速的发展,糖尿病市场份额达到全省的4.5%,并带动内分泌其他病种的发展。于2006年成为院级重点专科,并扩大床位及规模,至今发展为 内分泌1,2 两个病区 * 我院内分泌科至今有十余年的历史,但由于历史的原因,一直处于起点较低的 状态,自2003年,医院进行人事改革后,内分泌专业有了迅猛的发展,于2004年成立糖尿病临床医学中心,在各位专家教授及各大医院的支持下,在医院的全力支持下,糖尿病专业自此有了飞速的发展,糖尿病市场份额达到全省的4.5%,并带动内分泌其他病种的发展。于2006年成为院级重点专科,并扩大床位及规模,至今发展为 内分泌1,2 两个病区 * 尊敬的各位评委、各位专家,大家上午好!!非常荣幸今天能站在这个讲台,给大家简要汇报一下我院内分泌科近几年来的发展与主要工作。 18 EMS Response: Vital Functions In about half of all patients who are thought to have stroke at the time the ambulance is dispatched, this diagnosis will be found to be incorrect once the patient arrives in hospital.1 Yet many of these people will have other diagnoses that remain serious and may be equally life-threatening. In view of this, it is vital that emergency medical personnel attend first to the ABCs of general medical resuscitation– i.e. Airway, Breathing and Circulation.2 In early ischaemic stroke, the airway is usually stable, except in cases with brainstem infarction or repetitive seizures. Airway problems are more likely in haemorrhagic stroke or large hemispheric infarction, especially if there is alteration of consciousness. In these cases, airway resistance can be decreased with the jaw-thrust manoeuvre and, if necessary, ventilation can be assisted temporarily using a bag-valve-mask device, or with a nasopharyngeal airway. If there is evidence of inadequate ventilation, or if the gag reflex is absent, intubation is needed. Assisted ventilation should be continued until the patient can receive further treatment at the hospital.3 Circulatory collapse is unusual in isolated stroke, except in cases of impending brain herniation. In patients who are found unconscious or in a state of collapse, other causes such as myocardial infarction should always be considered first. However, it should be remembered that patients with stroke frequently have concomitant problems that may predispose to



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