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结 论 word完美格式 PAGE 精心整理 学习帮手 洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE I 基于PLC的自动送料装车控制系统设计 摘 要 可编程序逻辑控制器(Programmable logic controller)简称PLC,由于PLC的可靠性高、环境适应性强、灵活通用、使用方便、维护简单,所以PLC的应用领域在迅速扩大。尤其是近几年来,PLC的成本下降,功能又不段增强,所以,目前PLC在国内外已被广泛应用于各个行业。本设计是为了实现送料小车的手动和自动化的转化,改变以往小车的单纯手动送料,减少了劳动力,提高了生产效率,实现了自动化生产。而且本送料小车的设计是由于工作环境恶劣,不允许人进入工作环境的情况下而产生的。首先,用PLC编程实现送料系统的基本功能。其次,画出组态仿真画面,定义组态变量,对组态中的一些基本量如(管道中物料的流动)进行仿真。然后,把PLC程序和组态结合,通过数据连接,实现通信。最后,运行PLC程序及组态仿真程序,实现组态对整个系统实时监控。在实现组态控制时,本文详细的介绍了组态王软件的编程及通信,使读者很容易的了解组态王软件运行仿真过程。 关键词:PLC,组态王,监控,仿真 Design of automatic loading control system based on PLC ABSTRACT Programmable logic controller referred to PLC ,because of the high reliability PLC adaptability,flexibility,environment,use convenient,simple maintenance,so the application of PLC in the rapidly expanding. Especially in recent years, the cost of PLC down and function increasing, so,at the moment,PLC at home and abroad,has been widely used in various industries.In order to achieve the design of the car feed the transformation of manual and automated,simple to change the past,car manual feed,a reduction of the workforce, increased productivity,automated production! Feeding and the car is designed to be as a result of bad working conditions are not allowed to enter the working environment of the circumstances formed.First, programs with PLC realizes feed systems basic function. Next, draws the configuration simulation picture, the definition configuration variable, like (in pipeline material flowing) carries on the simulation to configuration some fundamental quantities. Then, the PLC procedure and the configuration union, through the data connection, realizes the correspondence. Finally, moves the PLC procedure and the configuration simulated program, realizes the configuration real-time monitoring overall system. When realizes the configuration control, this article detailed introduction configuration king softwares programming and the correspondence, caused the reader very


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