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word完美格式 PAGE 精心整理 学习帮手 基于单片机防酒后驾驶控制系统设计 The Design Of Anti-drunk Driving Control System On?Single Chip?Microcomputer 2013年6月 word完美格式 精心整理 学习帮手 摘 要 近年来,随着我国汽车的普及,汽车的安全问题已经引起了我们的注意,根据必威体育精装版的数据显示,目前,酒后驾车成为车祸频发的主要原因,我国因酒后驾车而导致的死亡人数平均每年以7.3%的速度增长,酒后驾车轻则害人害己,重则车毁人亡。为了防止酒后驾车,设计一种智能电路来检测驾驶员体内的酒精含量并且能够及时切断汽车电源是非常有必要的。 该设计由MQ-3酒精传感器来测量饮酒后驾驶员体内的酒精浓度,通过A/D0832转换器转换成数字信号传入单片机,最后由单片机通过对数字信号的处理来显示酒精浓度。在超过阈值时,发出声光报警,并且通过控制继电器来切断汽车电源。软件方面,各个子程序的功能相对独立,便于调试和修改。当驾驶员体内酒精浓度超标时,该系统能够自动切断汽车启动系统电源,同时发出声光报警,并通过数码管实时显示酒精浓度。 本系统选择AT89C51单片机、A/D0832转换器、MQ-3酒精传感器、数码管、LED、蜂鸣器、继电器等元器件通过DXP来设计硬件系统电路图,使用keil uvision4完成软件系统的编程调试。 关键词: AT89C51单片机;A/D0832转换器;MQ-3酒精传感器;智能电路;酒后驾车; ABSTRACT In recent years, with the popularity of cars in China, safety problem of cars has caused our attention. According to the latest data, driving after drinking has become the main reason of the car accident, the death that cased by the car accident has been increased at the rate of 7.3%. Driving after drinking is so dangerous that it cause death or hurt . To avoid the driving after drinking, it is necessary to design a intelligent circuit to check the alcohol concentration and cut off the power of the car in time. The design uses the MQ-3 alcohol sensor to measure the alcohol concentration of the drivers body and send those signals to SCM by A/D0832 converter. In the last, the SCM process the digital signal to display alcohol concentration.When the alcohol concentration beyond the mark of standard alcohol concentration, the system issues a sound light alarm and cuts off the power of the car. In software aspect, every program is independent,so it is easy when debuging the program. When the drivers alcohol concentration exceeds the safety standard of the system, the design can automatically cut off the power of the car to stop its engine and send out alarm.At the meantime a digital tube real-time display the alcohol concentration. In this system, this paper chooses AT89


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