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计算机与软件学院 毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《餐饮信息管理系统的设计与实现》,系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释与说明,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 随着经济的发展社会的进步,去饭店过节聚会成为了一种新的时尚。因此每逢过年过节,饭店都会迎来大量的顾客,随之而来的就是大量的预定和结算信息将会使得饭店的工作人员不堪重负,并且不可避免的会出现这样或那样的错误。餐饮信息管理软件的诞生可以为他们提供便捷的管理服务。并且几乎为零的错误率也使得餐馆可以更好的为顾客服务。它不仅可以为餐馆降低人力资源的付出,节省了成本,而且也可以提升自身的形象,使餐厅迎来更多的食客。 本系统使用了VB.NET技术并采用了C/S架构,饭店服务人员使用它可以快速准确地为客户服务,人性化的系统界面设计使得软件便于使用者的快速掌握,计算机几乎为零的错误率和高效的处理能力使得原本繁琐的餐饮管理变得更加科学、快捷以及人性化。 使用本系统,员工将可以快速地编辑顾客资料信息,并且为客户提供订餐打折和充值服务。管理员使用本系统,既可以完成员工的所有工作,又可以更好地管理员工,精准地了解员工账面的资金情况。除了这些,管理员还可以设定餐厅的菜单信息和折扣程度,从而使得管理员对餐厅的运营情况可以全面掌控。 关 键 字:餐饮管理;VB.NET;C/S架构 Abstract With economic development and social progress, to the hotel festive gathering into a new fashion. Therefore, during festive seasons, the hotel will welcome a large number of customers, followed by a large number of reservations and billing information will make the hotel the staff overwhelmed, and the inevitable will occur or that such errors. Food information management software can provide them with the birth of convenient management services. And almost zero error rate makes the restaurant better for customers. It not only can reduce the human resources for restaurants to pay, cost savings, but also can enhance their image, so that more diners usher restaurant itself. The system uses VB.NET technology and uses C / S architecture, the hotel staff to use it to quickly and accurately to customer service, human system interface design allows the software to facilitate the users to grasp, the computer is almost zero error rate and efficient processing power makes the restaurant management had become more complicated scientific, efficient and humane. With this system, employees will be able to quickly edit the customer data and information, and provide customers with discounts and top-ordering. Administrators use the system, not only to complete all the work of employees, but also better management of staff, accurate book about employees of


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