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污水处理工业废水回用毕业论文 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 Catalytic strategies for industrial water re-use Abstract The use of catalytic processes in pollution abatement and resource recovery is widespread and of significant economic importance [R.J. Farrauto, C.H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes, Blackie Academic and Professional,1997.]. For water recovery and re-use chemo-catalysis is only just starting to make an impact although bio-catalysis is well established [J.N. Horan, BiologicalWastewater Treatment Systems; Theory and Operation, Chichester, Wiley, 1990.]. This paper will discuss some of the principles behind developing chemo-catalytic processes for water re-use. Within this context oxidative catalytic chemistry has many opportunities to underpin the development of successful processes and many emerging technologies based on this chemistry can be considered . Keywords: COD removal; Catalytic oxidation; Industrial water treatment 1.Introduction Industrial water re-use in Europe has not yet started on the large scale. However, with potential long term changes in European weather and the need for more water abstraction from boreholes and rivers, the availability of water at low prices will become increasingly rare. As water prices rise there will come a point when technologies that exist now (or are being developed) will make water recycle and re-use a viable commercial operation. As that future approaches, it is worth stating the most important fact about wastewater improvement– avoid it completely if at all possible! It is best to consider water not as a naturally available cheap solvent but rather, difficult to purify, easily contaminated material that if allowed into the environment will permeate all parts of the biosphere. A pollutant is just a material in the wrong place and therefore design your process to keep the material where it should be – contained and safe. Avoidance and then minimisation are the two first steps in looking at any pollutant r


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