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word完美格式 精心整理 学习帮手 银行中小企业贷款障碍与对策 摘 要 随养中国经济发展速度的持续加快,经济发展规模也在不断扩充。中国企业经营管理的模式与组织状态的大小也相应地有了明显的变化,微小企业的出现也证明中国经济规模的扩大,需要这一种企业新形式。文章中主要针对微小企业的日常运营与融资发展问题进行探讨,研究微小企业发展的有效性和存在的问题,并针对存在的融资问题提出相应的发展策略,以为微小企业融资未来的发展渠道提供参考。 我国中小企业的发展一方面面临国外经济发展的调整期、国内经济发展转型期,市场需求大幅姜缩,另一方面又面临普遍经济刺激后出现全球性产能过剩,原材料价格上涨、劳动力价格上涨,企业生存压力大。同时,中小企业内部产权关系不明晰,缺乏科学的内部管理机制,缺乏防范风险的纠错机制,缺乏留住人才的体制机制。如何使其摆脱困境、走上健康发展之路,已成为中小企业发展中巫待解决的问题。 中小企业是中国实体经济中最具发展活力的群体,对于壮大民营经济,促进经济发展,扩大社会就业发挥着重要的作用。然而,微小企业的融资难题一直未得到有效解决,严重阻碍其发展壮大。形成微小企业贷款难的原因是多方而的,既有银行的因素,又有企业自身存在的问题,还有社会诸方而的因素,文章对此展开分析并提出对策。 关键词:微小企业、融资问题分析、未来渠道; ABSTRACT P2P finance refers to the Small loan companies transactions between individual and individual, generally need to use e-commerce professional network platform lending to help both sides to establish lending relationship and complete the related formalities. But in recent years many flooded money \run\ (in the case of customer cheated), therefore, for platform improvement need to develop a series of strategies. Based on in the financial sector risk credit risk, credit risk prevention is studied and discussed, such as how to adjust and optimize the existing countermeasures put forward concrete Suggestions. This paper expounds the connotation of financial around DongGuan financial development present situation, analyze the DongGuan financial risks, and effective preventive measures for risk. Full text is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, describes the paper selected topic background, significance, and other authors have done related research; The second part expounds the connotation of financial and DongGuan financial development present situation; The third part analyzes the DongGuan financial risks; The fourth part discusses the effective measures to cope with DongGuan P2P financial risk; The fifth part is the conclusion, to summarize the text. Key words: credit risk operating risk 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \


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