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word完美格式 精心整理 学习帮手 蜈支洲岛旅游景区生态保护调查研究 摘要 由于城市环境的日益恶化,人们对于亲近大自然的旅游项目的兴趣日益增加。但无限制的开发以及游人的不文明行为使得许多依托环境为旅游核心的景区遭到破坏,于是环境友好以及景区环境保护研究则被更多的人所关注。本文以“蜈支洲岛旅游景区”为调查对象,通过分析之前学者对景区生态保护的调查研究并根据对蜈支洲岛旅游景区内生态环境的调查,结合相关的国内外文献及调查研究,综合得出蜈支洲岛旅游景区生态环境保护的现状,通过对蜈支洲岛开发管理者的访谈中得知很多关于蜈支洲岛现阶段的开发规划以及开发者对于蜈支洲岛的保护措施以及思想,并通过调查研究找出蜈支洲岛旅游景区在生态保护中存在的问题,以此提出改进的意见及建议。 关键词:蜈支洲岛,生态保护,旅游景区 Study on the ecological protection of Wuzhizhou Island scenic spot Abstract HYPERLINK /translate \l ## Due to the worsening of the urban environment, peoples interest in the nature of the tourism project is increasing.?But unlimited development and visitors uncivilized behavior makes a lot of relying on the environment as the core of the scenic spot was destroyed, so the environment friendly and scenic environmental protection research is more people are concerned about.?Problems existing in the development and protection of the ecological scenic spot on the centipede island tourism scenic spots as the investigation object, through the analysis of the previous research based on the centipede island tourism scenic area ecological environment investigation, combined with the related domestic and foreign literatures and investigation, it can be concluded that the centipede Island Tourism scenic spot ecological environment protection present situation, through to the centipede Island management interview that a lot of centipede island at the present stage of development planning and the developers for the centipede island protection measures and ideas, and through the investigation and study, find out the centipede island tourism scenic spots in ecological protection, in order to put forward the improvement opinions and suggestions. Keywords: Wuzhizhou Island, Ecological protection, Tourism scenic spots word完美格式 精心整理 学习帮手 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景与意义 1.1.1 研究背景 近年来海南以其独特优美的自然风光和清新怡人的空气环境,吸引了不少国内外游客争相来此一睹海岛风情。伴随着海南旅游业的飞速发展和


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