毕业论文 基于Eclipse的人事管理系统的设计.doc

毕业论文 基于Eclipse的人事管理系统的设计.doc

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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于Eclipse的人事管理系统的设计 摘要 在当今社会,互联网空前的发展,给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利和高效,信息化、电子化已经成为节约运营成本,提高工作效率的首选。考虑到当前还有一些企业的人事管理尚处于手工作业阶段,不但效率低下,还常常因为管理的不慎而出现纰漏。因此根据部分中小型企业的需求,设计此企业人事管理系统,以帮助企业达到人事管理办公自动化、节约管理成本、提高企业工作效率的目的。 本人事管理系统以B/S模式实现,以MySQL数据库作为开发数据库。在添加了网站开发插件的Eclipse中创建工程,使用Java语言设计操作控件和编写操作程序,完成数据输入、修改、存储、调用查询等功能,在前端用jsp页面对操作结果进行显示。MySQL数据库中存储了系统所需的所有数据表,根据系统的功能需求在程序中执行SQL语句就可以对数据表中的信息进行修改。本文设计的系统的主要功能有:对部门、职员和文档进行添加、删除等处理。 本设计中文档模块是人事管理系统的创新点,它能够促进公司文化的交流,有助于公司的发展。 关键词:人事管理系统、Eclipse、MySqL、tomcat 外文摘要 Title Design of The Human Resource Management System Based on Eclipse Abstract In our society, the unprecedented development or Internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency. Informatization and electronization have become the first choice of saving operation cost and improving work efficiency. Some enterprises’ personnel administration systems lie in the phase of manual management which is inefficient and easy to go wrong by carelessness. Therefore, this Management Information System is designed to make the personnel administration more scientific, normative and efficient. The personnel management system adopts the structure mode of browser/server(B/S). It is based on the MySQL database as a development database and create the project in the Eclipse which is added the Web Development plugs. The use of Java design, operation control and the preparation of operating procedures, data entry, modification, storage, call the query function; and the use of JSP page from displaying the operation result. MySQL database stores all the data table needed by the system. According to the functional requirements of the system,we can modify the information in the data table by executing SQL statements in the program. The main function of the system are: the Department, staff and document to add, delete and so on. The document module is an innovation of the system, it can promote the communication and contributes to the development of the company. Keywords: Hum



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