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摘要:本次设计是新河煤矿的初步设计,设计图纸共张,说明书共十章。根据采矿工程的需要和特点,重点设计为第四、六、八章,其他如井底车场、井下运输及提升设备仅做一般的选型计算。 新河煤矿位于山东济宁市,北距新327国道4km,旧327公路国道从井田南部边缘通过,该公路向南500m处有兖新铁路,东可通兖州、石臼港与京沪铁路线相接,西可至菏泽、新乡与京九、京广铁路线相通。本矿交通比较方便。 本井田的煤层埋藏较浅,煤层倾角大于15°。 本井田内有多层煤,设计主要开采3煤层,3煤层平均厚度7.31m,煤层有爆炸性和自燃倾向性。矿井瓦斯低属于低瓦斯矿井。 本井田划分为2个采区,采用立井开拓方式,回采工艺采用后退式、综采一次性放顶煤机械化采煤法,采用“三八制”作业制度。工作面的设备有双滚筒采煤机、滑移支架、可弯曲刮板运输机、破碎机、转载机等。顶板管理采用,采空区采用全部垮落法管理顶板。 本矿井设计年产量为45万吨,采用一套综采来满足产量的要求。 矿井运输大巷采用胶带运输作为主运输,采用矿车作为辅助运输,矿井通风采用扇风机中央并列式。 关键词:井田 通风 机械化采煤 立井 Abstract:This design is the exploitation of coal mines in Shandong xinhe ,a total of drawings, a description of ten. According to the needs and characteristics of the mining project, focusing for the fourth, sixth, chapters, others such as mine shaft bottom, underground transport and lifting equipment just to do a general selection calculation. A coal mine in Shandong Province City Jining, The minefield of coal buried shallow, seam big 15°. The rise of within the mine field ,the design main 3 coal seam, 3, the average thickness of 7.31 m, spontaneous combustion of coal is explosive and sexual orientation. Low-low mine gas are mine. The mine field was divided into seven mining areas, using methods developed by slopes, mining technology with back-style, fully mechanized coal caving mechanized one-time mining method, using “38” system operating system. Face equipment double drum shearer, sliding, flexible scraper conveyor, crusher, loader, etc.. Management of the sliding roof frame, gob method using all the cross-Management roof. The mine design annual capacity of 0.45 million tons, with a fully mechanized coal mining to meet production requirements. Transport Tunnel Mine used as the main transport belt transport, supplemented by mine car transport, mine ventilation using axial flow fan central points out, exhaust ventiati . Keywords: mine field ventilation fully mechanized coal mining slopes 目录 前言………………………………………………………………… 1井田概述及井田特征…………………………………………… 1.1概述……………………………………………………………………… 1.2井


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