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微课、慕课在医学影像技术教学中的应用 张晓玲 王 娇 穆剑玲 沧州医学高等专科学校医学技术系影像教研室袁河北沧州 061001 [摘要] 高校医学影像技术专业课程建设具有影像设备依赖性强尧实践教学环节比重较大等特点袁并普遍存在教 材内容陈旧尧教学模式传统等问题袁发展缓慢遥 在信息尧资源网络化的背景下袁微课尧慕课无疑是一个新的课程开 放方向尧新的教学方式袁对传统教学模式提出了挑战遥 可以预见袁慕课尧微课的应用可促进院校企合作袁实现院校 企共建曰实现以学生为中心袁因材施教袁终身学习曰催生评价体系改革等遥 但作为个性化学习的手段袁改革应用过 程中课程的系统性及教师主导作用不应摒弃遥 [关键词] 医学影像技术曰教学模式曰课程建设曰微课曰慕课 [中图分类号] G642.0 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210渊2014冤12渊c冤-0129-05 Application of MOOC and micro-lecture in teaching of medical imaging technology ZHANG Xiaoling WANG Jiao MU Jianling Teaching and Research Office of Image, Department of Medical Technology, Cangzhou Medical College, Hebei Province, Cangzhou 061001, China [Abstract] The curricula construction of medical imaging technology at colleges has the characters of strong depen鄄 dence for image documentation equipment, larger proportion of practice teaching link, and exits the problems of anti鄄 quated of textbook contents, tradition of teaching model, and so on, and develops slowly. Under the background of net鄄 worked of information and resource, MOOC or micro-lecture is a new course open direction, new teaching way, and put forward the challenge to the traditional teaching model. Predictably, the application of MOOC or micro-lecture can pro鄄 mote the cooperation of college-enterprise, achieve joint development of college-enterprise, realize student-centered, individualized teaching, lifelong learning, and promote the innovation birth of evaluation system, and so on. But as a means of individualized learning, the curricular systematicness and the leading role of teachers during the application of reform should not be abandoned. [Key words] Medical imaging technology; Teaching model; Curricula construction; Micro-lecture; MOOC 随着现代医学的快速发展袁医学影像学科发展也 突飞猛进袁现代化尧数字化的医学影像设备已进入各 级医疗机构袁社会正急需同时具备医学影像知识及技 术的人才袁开设医学影像技术专业的大专院校日益增 多袁作为担负培养新世纪高素质复合型人才重任的专 科院校袁如何有效利用信息化尧资源化的教学手段袁让 学生能适应现代社会飞速发展的要求袁是每一个医学 影像技术专业教师所应该思考的问题遥 相对于医学影 像技术


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