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小组案例讨论式教学在生理学教学中的 研究进展 4—. 江苏省联合职业技术学鑑南通卫生分院 摘要: 生理学教学作为医学棊础性科目,是医学专业学生学习的难点和重点,不少同 学反映该科目牵涉的知识点广且琐碎,虽为基础科目但其内容过于深奥,传统 的填鸭式教学无法让学生真正理解知识的内涵,加重了学生的学习负担,影响 其学习的积极性。近年来,随着新课改浪潮的推进,生理学教师积极响应国家号 召,加快了深化改革的步伐,致力于更新教学模式改进教学方法,营造良好的 学习氛围,让学生轻松驾驭生理学知识,提高学生的学习兴趣,减轻学生的学 习负担,进而培养学生的自主学习能力。当下越来越多的教师采用小组案例讨论 的方式开展教学活动,以期实现最佳的教学效果,提高课堂效率,为学生闩后 学习活动的开展打下坚实的基础。 关键词: 小组案例讨论式教学;生理学教学;研究;进展; 作者简介:陈德琴(1977-),女,江苏南通人,本科,讲师,研宂方向:临床医 学教学。 收稿日期:2017-05-10 Research Progress of Group Case Discussion Teaching in the Physiology Teaching CHEN De—qin Nantong Health Branch of Jiangsu United Career Technical College: Abstract: The physiology teaching, as the medical basic subject, is the key point an difficult point of medical students, and most students claim the knowledge points involved is massive and trivial, even it is the basic subject, the content is too profound, and the traditional “Duck-stuffing” type of teaching fails to make students understand the true meaning thus adding the students learning burdens and affecting the learning enthusiasm, in recent years, with the promotion of new teaching reform boom, the physiology teachers actively respond to the national cal 1, accelerate the reform pace, update the teaching model, create a good learning atmosphere, make students master knowledge, improve the learning interest and relieve the learning burdens thus cultivating the automatic learning ability of students. Currently, more and more teachers use the discussion method to conduct the teaching activities in order to realize the best teaching effect and improve the class efficacy, forming a basis of the further development of learning activities. Keyword: Group case discussion teaching; Physiology teaching; Research; Progress; Received: 2017-05-10 随着时代的发展,社会的进步,人们生活水平有Y很大的提升,近年來人们越 发重视自身的健康问题。为了培养社会需要的优秀应用型人方,满足民众的医疗 需求,教师们积极进行教学改革,希望改变原有的说教模式,重新焕发课堂生 机,在激发学生学习欲望,锻炼其动手操作能力的同时,让学生切实掌握理论 知识,体会到学习的乐趣,取得最佳的教学效。果。当前多数教师在教授生理学 时过于依赖教材资料,学生多是被动的接受知识灌输21世纪是知识的时代,当 前我国部分教材知识有时己与时代脱节,滞后的教材,单一的教学方法,枯


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