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unit5必修一高一教案   篇一:人教版高中英语必修一_Unit_5教案   Unit 5 Nelson Mandela——a modern hero   教材分析:本单元以 Nelson Mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。   Teaching aims:   1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about heroes in history   2. To develop Ss’ listening and speaking ability.   Teaching procedures:   Step1 warming up   ? Describe yourselves   First what kind of person are you? (shy, outgoing, fun, mean, immature, nice, kind, honest, brave, loyal, happy, wise, smart, friendly, warm, cheerful, popular, generous, hardworking, diligent, weak, stupid, lazy, dishonest, tense, cold, unkind, miserable, dull, strongminded, determined etc.)   ? Discussion (Encourage students to give five or six qualities that they think great   persons have, and give their reasons.)   ?Question 1: Who do you think are the greatest men in your mind? Can you name   some?   Question 2: In what way do you consider a man is a great? What is your standard?   ? Look at page 33 and then ask the Ss if these famous people are great people.   ? Conclusion:   A great person is a person who has followed his or her ideas and sacrificed(牺牲) something so that they could be realized. A pop singer may be very popular with the young people, but he/she is not a great man/woman.   A famous person may be wellknown but if he or she has not gone through struggles and difficulties for their noble aims, they can not be called a great person.   Step2 language points:   1. devote vt   oneself to 献身于、致力于。。。   devoteone’s life/one’s time to….把生命、时间献给。。。   …to …把。。。用于。。。   E.g. He devoted his life to promoting world peace.   He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.   devoted adj 忠实的, 深爱的   be devoted to 对…忠实, 对…深爱   a devoted friend   She is devoted to her husband.   即学即练   The manager devotes all his spare time ______ the violin.   B   A. to practiseB. to practisingC. in practising D. for practising   2. fight for为……而战   fight against与……作斗争;与…作战  


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