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Unit 8 When is your birthday? 篮球比赛 郊游 讲演比赛 英语晚会 排球比赛 校庆日 艺术节 音乐节 ● 重点短语 Unit 7 ┃ 基础知识梳理 英语·新课标(RJ) 根据汉语提示翻译下列短语 1. (价钱)多少 ___________ 2. 给你。 ________________ 3. 不客气。__________________ 4. 服装店 ________________ 5. 以很好的价钱 _______________________ 6.一条/双/副 _____________ how much Here you are. You’re welcome. clothes store at very good prices a pair of ● 重点句型 Unit 7 ┃ 基础知识梳理 英语·新课标(RJ) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1. “这件T恤衫多少钱?” “7美元。” —______ ______ is this T-shirt? —_______ seven dollars. 2. 我能帮你吗? _______ I _______ you? How much Its Can help Unit 7 ┃ 基础知识梳理 英语·新课标(RJ) 3. 我想要件毛衣。 I _______ a __________. 4.你想要什么颜色的? _______ ________ do you want? 5. 你需要蓝裤子吗? Do you need _______ ___________ ? 6. 这条裤子怎么样? _______ ________ this pair of trousers? want sweater What color blue trousers What about 英语·新课标(RJ) ┃能力提升训练┃ Unit 7 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅰ. 词汇专练 (A) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1.My favorite color is r_____. 2. The store s______ many kinds of things. They are very cheap. 3. The clothes in this store are at very good p_______. 4.I want a p_____ of white shoes. 5.Five and seven is t_______. ed ells rices air welve 英语·新课标(RJ) Unit 7 ┃ 能力提升训练 6. Do you ________ (需要) something to drink? 7. The sports shoes in all _________(颜色) are 50 yuan a pair. 8. How much are the _________(短裤)? 9. My mother asks me to _______(买) some apples. 10. C_____ and see our clothes at Huaxing Clothes Store! need colors shorts buy ome 英语·新课标(RJ) Unit 7 ┃ 能力提升训练 (B) 根据句意写出下列各句中某个词的对应词或反义词 1. Your room is _______, but our room is small. 2. I dont like this black shirt. I like that _________ one. 3. This skirt is too ________. Do you have a short one? 4. These are my socks and _________ are your socks. 5. You can _______ to my home, then we go to the store together. big white long those come 英语·新课标(RJ) Unit 7 ┃ 能力提升训练 Ⅱ.单项选择 ( )1. —How much are the trousers? —________twenty dollars. A.It has     B.Its C.They have D.Theyre ( )2. What color ________


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