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河南理工大学毕业论文 河南宇新股份有限公司三氯氢硅场地 工程地质条件分析 学院:资源环境学院 专业:地质工程 学号:0405010307 姓名:陈延信 指导老师:刘保民 摘要 针对拟建工程的具体情况及对场地岩土工程条件的要求,进行场地与地基的岩土工程勘察,充分了解建筑场地与地基的工程地质条件,结合了土工试样室内试验、原位测试试验及地下水水质分析的结果,论证和评价场地、地基的稳定性和适宜性、不良地质现象、软弱地基处理与加固等岩土工程的技术决策和实施方案,并讨论各层的承载力和压缩性。结果证明本场地浅层的土层的承载力能满足上部荷载对软弱下卧层变形的要求,具备采用天然地基浅基础条件。 关键词 :工程地质条件,承载力,基础,地基 ABSTRACT For the specific circumstances of the proposed works and venues for the requirements of geotechnical conditions, to carry out site and the foundation of the Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, fully aware of the construction site and foundation engineering geological conditions, combined with laboratory test soil samples, in-situ tests And groundwater quality analysis of the results of feasibility studies and evaluation of venues, the foundation of stability and suitability, adverse geological phenomena, weak foundation treatment, such as geotechnical engineering and reinforcement of technical decision-making and implementation of the programme and discuss the various floors of load capacity and compression . The results prove that the venue of the shallow layers of the load bearing capacity to meet the upper layer of soft sub deformation of the request, with a shallow foundation based on natural conditions. Keywords: geotechnical engineering conditions; bearing capacity; foundation; basis 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \f \u 1.绪论 1 1.1研究的目的、意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 2 1.3存在问题 4 1.4研究内容 5 1.5研究方法 5 1.6技术路线 PAGEREF _Toc200525192 \h 5 2.工程概况 PAGEREF _Toc200525193 \h 7 2.1区域地质条件 PAGEREF _Toc200525194 \h 7 2.1.1地理位置 PAGEREF _Toc200525195 \h 7 2.1.2气象、水文条件 PAGEREF _Toc200525196 \h 7 2.1.3地层条件 PAGEREF _Toc200525197 \h 8 2.2场地工程地质概况 PAGEREF _Toc200525198 \h 9 2.2.1场地地形、地貌及地质构造条件 PAGEREF _Toc200525199 \h 9 2.2.2地基土类别及岩土工程特征 PAGEREF _Toc200525200 \h 10 3.工程地质条件分析与评价 PAGEREF _Toc200525201 \h 14 3.1地基土承载力确定 PAGEREF _Toc200525202 \h 14 3.1.1按原位测试确定地基土承载力 PAGEREF _Toc200525203 \h 14 3.1.2据地基土物理力学指标确定地基承载力 PAGEREF _Toc200525204 \h 17 3.2地基土压缩性评价 PAGEREF _Toc200525205


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