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草莓采摘机器人机械结构设计 摘要 随着草莓种植的推广。国内草莓种植面积迅猛增加,收获劳动力不足。严重制约草莓种植的发展,因此有必要进行智能草莓采摘机器人研究,来替代人来完成该项费时、费力的采摘工作。草莓采摘机器人要求能自动检测成熟草莓的位置信息,然后根据这些信息控制机器人的执行机构动作,实现草莓采摘的自动化。 本文首先综合叙述了草莓生产现状以及草莓采摘机器人国内外研究状况,再根据国内北方地垄式草莓种植的情况,设计出草莓采摘机器人机械本体,提出一种五自由度关节型草莓采摘机械手臂,五个自由度分别为:腰转、肩转、肘转、腕转和腕摆,并开发了一种末端执行器的结构形式,该末端执行器主要由伺服电机、曲柄滑块机构、动夹、镍铬电热丝组成,不以草莓果实作为抓取目标,而是夹切草莓果柄,不伤害果实,同时采用镍铬电热丝切割果柄可以防止切口感染细菌而腐烂,影响果实品质。与此同时,还在solidworks中构建了草莓采摘机器人、末端执行器的三维模型,还生成了相关重要部件的工程图,便于后期的使用。 关键字: 草莓采摘机器人,机械本体,五自由度草莓采摘机械手臂,末端执行器 Strawberry picking robot mechanical structure design Abstract: With the popularization of the strawberry. The strawberry planting area increased rapidly, the harvest labor shortage. Development is restricted by the strawberry, it is necessary to carry out intelligent strawberry harvesting robot, instead of people to complete the time-consuming, laborious harvesting. Strawberry picking robot position information requirements can automatically detect ripe strawberry, then according to these information to control the robot actuator, realize the automation of picking strawberry. This paper describes comprehensively the research status at home and abroad as well as the robot strawberry production status of strawberry picking, then according to the North ridge type strawberry planting conditions, calculate and design the appropriate size of the strawberry picking vehicle body, put forward a kind of five degrees of freedom articulated strawberry picking manipulator, and the development of the structure of an end effector. At the same time, the author constructs a 3D model, strawberry picking robot end effector in SolidWorks, also generated the end effector and the mechanical arm of the engineering drawing, convenient for later viewing and processing. Key words: Strawberry picking robots; Mechanical body;Five degree of freedom manipulator; The end effector 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc22646 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc22646 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc16130 1.1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc16130 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc17609 1


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