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人力资源管理系统的设计与实现 Human Resource Management System Design and Implementation 人力资源管理系统的设计与实现 【摘 要】随着计算机的普及和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,人们开始越来越多地利用计算机解决实际问题。人力资源管理是企业信息管理的重要部分。面对大量的人力资源信息,采用人力处理将浪费大量的时间、人力和物力,且数据的准确性低。因此,开发一个界面友好,易于操作的人力资源管理软件进行自动化处理变得十分重要,这正是本系统开发的目的和意义。 软件采用多文档界面,主要满足小型企业人力资源管理的基本需要。本论文针对该系统的各个方面,开发过程中涉及到的技术和工具都分别进行了阐述。 软件功能简单介绍如下: 1. 人事管理,包括人事档案管理、人事档案查询。该软件支持员工的照片、个人简历、家庭成员的管理。支持多种查询方式,能方便的对查询结果浏览、排序、打印及其打印预览。 2.工资管理,包括工资录入、查询和统计分析。软件支持工资条打印及其打印预览。 3.其它功能包括系统维护帮助系统等。能保证数据信息的安全性,方便用户使用。 开发中用到的工具和技术简单介绍如下: 1.采用VB6.0为开发工具, ACCESS 2003为后台数据库的开发工具。 2.充分利用ADO为数据库的访问技术。 此外,在软件的开发过程中尽量结合软件工程的思路,参阅了相关文献来完成此次毕业设计的任务。 【关键词】人事资源管理 人事档案管理 VB Human Resource Management System Design and Implementation Songwei Abstract: With the popularization of computer and rapid development of new technology in computer science, People being to use the computer to solve the practical problems. Human resource management is one of main parts of the enterprises’ information management. Facing so many human resource, time, manpower and material resources would be wasted and the level of accuracy is lower, if the operating is done by people. So, it is important to develop a software of human resource management, whose interface is user-friendly and operation is easy. This is just purpose and meaning to develop the software. This software uses the multiple Document/View as the interface, and it can meet the basic needs of middle and small enterprise for their human resource management. This paper expounds the different aspects of the software, covering technology and tools involved in development process. The function of this software is introduced briefly as follows: 1. Personnel management. It includes personnel document management、personnel document searching. This software provides the personnel’s photo、resume and members of family management. It provides several method of searching, and the result you get is easy to search、sort、print and print preview. 2. Salary-and-wage administration. It in


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