企业财务风险分析与防范 毕业论文.doc

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企业财务风险分析与防范 摘要 随着时代进入21世纪,企业面临的风险随着新经济环境的变化向更广范围、更深层次的方向发展,在企业发展的同时企业财务风险管理愈来愈成为企业财务管理的核心问题。财务风险是企业面临的一种风险,而财务风险的控制就是企业在识别、评估和分析的基础上,充分预见、有效控制财务风险,通过对财务风险的风险研究,找出风险成因,从而采取相应的预防策略或建立预警体系,用最经济的方法把财务风险可能导致的不利后果减少到最低限度的管理方法。本文针对加强HYPERLINK /Economic/list_917.html企业财务风险管理进行论述,在系统分析财务风险的本质及我国企业财务风险成因的基础上,建立我国企业的财务预警指标,进行适当的财务风险决策,以期为财务风险管理及防范提供HYPERLINK /参考。随着HYPERLINK /wenxue/list_604.html现代市场HYPERLINK /Economic/经济的建立,市场环境瞬息万变,各种不确定性影响因素日益增多,企业财务风险问题显得越来越复杂多变。因此,加强财务风险管理已经成为各层次管理者密切关注的问题。资企业财务风险预测研究的需求日益迫切。急需建立有效的财务预警系统来预测、预控和处理财务风险。以期降低风险,提高效益,实现预期财务收益。 关键词 财务风险;风险分析;风险防范;财务危机。 Abstract Financial risk is a risk facing enterprises, and financial risk control is enterprise in the identification, assessment and analysis on the basis of the full predicted, effective control of the financial risk, and through the financial risks, find out the risk and take corresponding risk causes the prevention strategies or the establishment of early warning system, with the most economical way to financial risk may cause adverse consequences to minimize management methods. This paper aimed at strengthening enterprise financial risk management is discussed, and the systematic analysis of the essence of financial risks in China and the financial risks of enterprise is established on the basis of the causes of our enterprise financial early-warning index, proper financial risk decision, in order to prevent financial risk management and provide the reference. With the establishment of a modern market economy, market environment, all kinds of uncertainty factors increase, enterprise financial risk is becoming more and more complicated. Therefore, strengthening financial risk management has become managers paid close attention to the various levels. Endowment enterprise financial risk prediction research needs increasingly urgent. Need to establish an effective financial warning system for predicting, precontrol and dealing with financial risk. In order to reduce risk, improve benefits, achi



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