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1. We would like to receive your specific enquiry at an early date. 望能早日收到你方具体询价单。 2. Our company is ready at any time to give you any assistance. 我公司随时准备给你们提供任何帮助。 3. The goods cannot be sold at a discount(at retail/ at wholesale/ at auction ). 这些货物不能打折(零售/批发/拍卖)出售。 4. The goods are to be loaded at Shanghai or Tianjian at seller’s option. 货物在上海港或天津港装载,由卖方决定。 5. At your request we send you under cover a quotation sheet showing our lowest price for cotton. 应你方要求,我们随函附上棉花最低报价单。 Lesson 4 1. take delivery of cargo 提货 2. replenish bunkers 加燃油 3. settle the account with you 与你方结账 4.quote us your rate 向我方报价 5.freight rate运费率 6.shipping application/booking note 托运单 7.scheduled sailing 航班 8.be attributable to 归因于 9.sailing schedule 航期 10.additional cargo 加载货 11.be subject to change on account of the situation of the shipping market 随行就市 12.mail under separate cover 另函邮寄 13.freight prepaid 预付运费 ——freight (to) collect 运费到付 14.conference tariff 公会运价表 15.sail to schedule 按期开航 16.broken space 亏舱 1. We shall have a consignment of 500 cases of bicycles for shipment from Shanghai to Bombay. Please quote us your freight rate including dockage, lighterage, discharging and other costs. 兹有一批自行车货物500箱由上海装运到孟买,请给我们报价包括码头费,驳船费,卸货及其他费用在内的运费率。 2. The M.V.“TAI SHAN”of our company is due to leave Shanghai for Lisbon on Oct.5. Please fax/cable us if you have any consignment to be shipped by this vessel. 我公司“泰山”轮定于10月5日离开上海开往里斯本,如果贵公司有货由该轮托运的话,请立即电示我们。 3. This is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipment as per your request. Please complete and return the application form in exchange for our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid. 兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费需先付。 4. With regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letter of 4 inst.(of this month), please be informed that the M.V.ABC is unable to accommodate any more ca


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