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“罢,罢,再别说起。如今就是这个样儿,我们娘儿们跟得上这屋里哪一个儿!也不是有了宝玉,竟是得了活龙。他还是个孩子家,长的得人意儿,大人偏疼他些也还罢了。我只是不服这个主儿。”一面说,一面伸出两个指头来。 “Well, well, don’t talk about that!” The concubine snorted. “You can see how things are. My son and I are the least and lowest in this household. Of course Baoyu is the precious dragon of the house. Mind you, he’s still just a child with winning ways, so I’ve nothing to say if his elders dote on him. But I refuse to crawl to her.” She held up two fingers. (Y) 水溶见他语言清楚,谈吐有致,一面又向贾政笑道:“令郎真乃龙驹凤雏,非小王在世翁前唐突,将来‘雏凤清于老凤声’,未可量也。” The clarity and fluency of Baoyu’s answers made the prince turn to observe to Jia Zheng, “Your son is truly a dragon’s colt or young phoenix. May I venture to predict that in time to come this young phoenix may even surpass the old one?” 牛 牛与汉民族的生活关系密切。 牧 犁 牺牲 力大如牛 健壮如牛 俯首甘为孺子牛 牛 黄牛精神,就是奉献,牺牲精神,是勤勉,坚韧,吃苦,忍顺精神,是拼搏,奋斗精神。 贤弟比来比去,比到对牛弹琴,岂非把我当成牛了?(梁山伯与祝英台) Are you saying that talking to me is like playing the flute to a waterbuffalo? “家生女儿怎么样?‘牛不喝水强按头’吗?我不愿意,难道杀我的老子娘不成!”(红 46) It makes no odds. “You can take an ox to the water, but you can’t make him drink.” Just because I refuse him, he’s going to kill my parents! 狗急跳墙 狗仗人势 狗朋狐友 狼心狗肺 鸡鸣狗盗 丧家之犬 狗眼看人低 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 虎 Tiger stands for dignity in both cultures. He was married and had a lioness at home. 它结婚了,太太是个母老虎。 * 中国动植物文化与翻译 动物,文化,语言 英汉动物语言类似表达 as fat as a pig 肥的像猪 as happy as a lark 像百灵鸟一样快乐 make a monkey out of somebody 拿某人当猴耍 类似 sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾 busy as bees 忙碌的小蜜蜂 You ass! You stupid ass! How could you do a thing like that? 你这头驴! 你这头蠢驴! 怎么会干出这种事来? dog eat dog 差异 chicken-hearted 胆小如鼠 as stupid as a goose 蠢得像头猪 差异 a cat on a hot tin r


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