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基于web的订餐系统的设计与实现 基于web的订餐系统的设计与实现 摘要 随着市场、经济的全球化,越来越多的企业认识到:提高企业的竞争力,选择信息化是必由之路。本文论述的订餐系统是针对餐饮娱乐业而设计的一种商务服务网站。其主要功能是完成外卖的前期和辅助工作,即通过网络进行定餐和对服务进行评价。而餐饮工作流程的其他部分如送外卖、付款等后期工作依旧采用传统方式。 微软的. NET平台作为新一代的互联网平台,提供了支持未来计算的高效的Web服务开发工具。利用.NET平台进行订餐系统的开发是此类系统未来开发的趋势之一。本文所设计的系统在.NET平台上进行开发,采用了必威体育精装版的ASP.NET技术,用VB.NET进行了编码,并使用SQL server进行数据库设计,基本实现了预定的目标,建立起一个比较完整的外卖系统。其特点是方便快捷的操作方式,简单易懂的管理方法,因此对于企业和用户来说,都是一种新型的、节约型的系统。 关键词:企业信息化;订餐系统;.NET;ASP.NET;SQL server The Design and Implementation of Bespeak Meal System Based on Web Abstract With the globalization of market and economy, more and more enterprises realize that informatization is the only way to elevate their competence. Management Information System (MIS) is a critical component of Enterprise informatization。 When diversified electronic business affairs web setup, service vocations have to come up with. Bespeak Meal System mostly used to accomplish accessorial work, namely order dish and grad the service. The evening as distribute and gathering we are still using traditional methods. As a new age Internet platform, MSs .NET provides efficiency Web service Development tools which supports future computation. The development of take-away online system by .NET is necessarily the trend of this kind of system development in the coming years. The system development bases on the .NET platform, while adopts the most recent ASP.NET tech. The coding part is finished by VB.NET. Finally, a comparatively entire Bespeak Meal system is completed, which satisfies the general requirements. As a new, conservation-oriented system, it is simple operation for user and manager. Key Words: Enterprise Informatization; Bespeak Meal System; .NET; ASP.NET; SQL server 目 录 论文总页数:24页 HYPERLINK /editor/ewebeditor.htm?id=bContentstyle=mini \l _Toc169772316 1引言 1 HYPERLINK /editor/ewebeditor.htm?id=bContentstyle=mini \l _Toc169772317 1.1 课题背景 1 HYPERLINK /editor/ewebeditor.htm?id=bContentstyle=mini \l _Toc169772318 1.2 本课题的研究内容 1 HYPERLINK /editor/ew


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